Junker Ju 88A-4 Kuto y Ju88A-14


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14 September 2019
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first of all excuse my translation
I have a great mystery and at least little has been written in the books I have.

I know that a variant of ju 88 A-4 was the Kuto with modifications made in the field, I think the vast majority knows about those modifications, but it is worth saying the introduction of MGFF in the front main gondola, the kuto cutters etc. ., the A-14, on the other hand, had these changes and others appeared as the elimination of the air brakes of the wings, all these changes of the production line with the changes made.

My questions:

1.- Did the Kuto A-4 replace the pump section with a fuel tank with greater autonomy or were they exchanged according to the particular mission?

2.- The A-14 came with greater autonomy, without the pump section only the pump loads hung from its wings?

3.- Some of you have details of sections SPT 9 SPT 12 and SPT 15 of JU 88A-14

I leave two photographs as an example, the first the main appearance of Ju88A-14 and the second Ju88A-4 Kuto.

Thank you.


  • Ju-88_MGFF mount.jpg
    Ju-88_MGFF mount.jpg
    54.6 KB · Views: 119
  • ju88a4-27.jpg
    100.6 KB · Views: 125
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Donde dice 'pump' deberia decir 'bomb' para que se entienda mejor.
Si los aviones estaban equipados con el dispositivo 'Kuto nase' para cortar los cables de los globos posiblemente se utilizarian como 'night intruders' contra los aerodromos britanicos. Algunos de estos aviones conservaban la capacidad de transportar bombas para generar el caos durante sus ataques, si la bodega de bombas alojaba un tanque de combustible es mas probable que se utilizaran como cazas nocturnos, sin radar. En Junio de 1942 el Ju 88 A-4 (R4+CK) fue utilizado en Rusia como night intruder operando con el 2./NJG2 y en octubre de 1944 el A-4 (R4+QV) fue modificado como emergency night fighter con un cañon MG FF de 20 mm, operando con el 10./NJG2.
Otros aviones Ju 88 sin bodega de bombas se utilizaron como cazas pesados 'zerstorers' para patrullas sobre el Golfo de Vizcaya pero eran del modelo C-2.
Siento no tener mas informacion , no es mi especialidad.
Un saludo
I just have no idea WHAT information, hence the post. Sorry, language use can be a little deceptive and this is an English language forum.

correct, translation added
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I saw this thread a while back and as I may be the culprit, will try to answer your questions. First, I made an errror in Junkers Ju 88 Volume 1.
The A-14 was not defined by the MGFF cannon, but rather the nose mounted Kuto.I do not believe the Kuto was a field installation, as it
apparently required internal structural modifications. In other respects, the A-4 and A-14 were very similar.
Your drawing image is not an A-14 nor the photo an A-4 Kuto,as they do not have nose Kutos, but do have MGFF cannon installations.
These cannon installations vary widely in detail and probably were field installations. Have you confused the term Kuto (for the barrage
ballon cutter)with the MGFF installation? If that is true , then I think your questions make better sense. The MGFF installation was done
in the field and required removal of the Lofte bombsight for horizontal bomb release and as this was a fairly involved modification, would
not be changed for different missions. As for the auxilliary fuel "drop tanks" either one or two could be carried and I do not believe that it
made any difference whether the aircraft was an A-4 or A-14. I have no infornation if the dive brakes were deleted from prodution versions
of the A-4/A14, but did see amessage to an operational unit, ordering their removal. They were also removed during conversion to other
subtypes (S-1, A-17, etc.)

Best Regards,

Artie Bob
Artie bob
First of all, my apologies for the translation
Thank you very much for your clarifications, in such a short message and learned more than the books I read this is a great teaching ... Thank you Master ...

I must indicate that I did not know how to explain well about the "auxiliary tanks", I was referring to the fact that the internal pump compartment was replaced by higher capacity fuel tanks, this is my great doubt.

I know that there were ju 88 recognition with MGFF and internal fuel tanks of greater internal capacity, now these changes were also for other versions? as A-14

If the pump sight was removed to install MGFF. Was the pump compartment also removed?

Thanks for teaching.

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