Josef Gatial is honored by 'Devotion to Aviation" Medal Of Honor


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1 April 2006
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All we know Jozef Gatal, a great aerospace artist from Slovakia. It's difficult to count how many unknown aircraft projects he managed to ressurect from murky factory drawings and aged pencil sketches and show to public in his astonishing renderings. One who ever was in touch with computer 3D rendering suff, can expect how many efforts and perfectionism he puts in his drawings.

For many years, Josef actively cooperates with the Avico-Press publishing house and Myasishchev Design Bureau (EMZ). For his great contribution in preserving the history of MDB, he was awarded a MDB diploma, Vladimir Myasishchev's Jubilee Medal, and now, a new award - 'Devotion to Aviation" Medal Of Honor.

We heartily congratulate our colleague with this well-deserved award and looking forward to his new works!

Congratulations, Josef, from all Secret Projects Forum members! Thank you very much for everything you are doing for us!
Jozef has made a wonderful contribution to the documentation of aviation projects. Thank you for your efforts, Jozef, and congratulations.
WTG Jozef! I've always enjoyed your work. It's nice to do others do as well, especially a manufacturer whose designs you've rendered.
Dear friend, thank you very much. I still hope and hopped it will be some free time to do some next projects for your pleasure, too but in last nine months I have done more as 300 pictures for book on M-55. I still do it only in evenings and simple it is not possible to do more. But I hope these books will bring to you aviation pleasure, too
When I first stumbled on Josef Gatiel's work I was amazed and humbled by the quality of it.
A well earned reward, and many congratulations Mr Gatial.
I wish A long life with allot astonishing art ;D
Nice to see this topic bumped like that. Josef deserves our respect and gratitude for all the great work he's done! :)

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