JMSDF 27DD Destroyer


Donald McKelvy
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14 August 2009
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"Japan Defense Ministry Unveiled Details of "27DD" Class Railgun & Laser armed AEGIS Destroyer"
Wednesday, 22 July 2015 07:33


According to the Japanese Ministry of Defense (MoD) request for proposal (RfP) to bidding contractors, the 27DD destroyers will incorporate a number of design changes compared to the first batch of Atago class guided missile destroyers.

According to the Japanese Ministry of Defense (MoD) request for proposal (RfP) to bidding contractors, the 27DD destroyers will incorporate a number of design changes compared to the first batch of Atago class guided missile destroyers.
27DD AEGIS Guided Missile Destroyer technical specifications and layout

First, the hull of 27DD has been enlarged to an empty displacement of 8,200 tons compared to the original Atago's 7,700 tons. It is believed in the Japanese defense community that the enlargement of the hull was conceived in order to provide a necessary growth space for advanced naval weapon systems that are currently under development in Japan, and will be incrementally added to the ships' arsenal as they are developed -- such as railguns and laser point-defense systems.

According to the Japanese Ministry of Defense (MoD) request for proposal (RfP) to bidding contractors, the 27DD destroyers will incorporate a number of design changes compared to the first batch of Atago class guided missile destroyers.

Like all Japanese combatant ships now being constructed, the 27DD destroyers will be powered by a COGLAG propulsion system (these two, as would be explained again later, would represent a series of essential improvements to the ships' space and power management and distribution in light of the new weaponry that they will operate in the near future).

On the more minor technical front, the new ships will also equip a new surface-search radar (the AN/SPQ-9B from Northrop Grumman), new anti-ship missiles, a multi-static sonar system, and an enhanced Aegis combat system that will offer better Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC).

According to the Japanese Ministry of Defense (MoD) request for proposal (RfP) to bidding contractors, the 27DD destroyers will incorporate a number of design changes compared to the first batch of Atago class guided missile destroyers.

Eventually, the Japanese MoD envisions their new AEGIS ships to be the first operating platform of an indigenous naval railgun and laser point-defense system that they are locally developing in Japan. The plan for the railgun armament was outlined in their recently published FY2015 defense budget report.

The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) currently deploys two AEGIS detroyer classes: Four Kongo-class destroyers and two newer Atago class destroyers (plus four Akizuki class destroyers often called "Japanese AEGIS").

2015 is the year 27 of Heisei era. This year (Heisei 27) the Japanese government has allocated the budget and formally begun the process of constructing and adding a new subclass of Aegis destroyers to its existing fleet of Kongo and Atago class AEGIS ships. This new subclass is officially called the "27DD". It is widely regarded as the second but a much improved batch of the JMSDF's Atago class destroyer (which in turn is an improvement of the Kongo class). The two 27DD vessels are expected to be commissioned in 2020 and 2021.


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"Congress Notified of Potential $1.5B Sale of Aegis Combat Systems for New Japanese Ship Class"
by Sam LaGrone
August 10, 2015 6:47 PM


A proposed $1.5 billion sale of two ship sets worth of Aegis combat systems, anti-submarine warfare systems and a cooperative engagement capability (CEC) equipment will give Japan’s planned new class of destroyers the capacity to connect and receive information from American battle networks, according to a list of items in a foreign military sales (FMS) notification issued by the Defense Security Cooperation Agency on Friday.
The DSCA notice laid out the planned offensive punch of the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force’s (JMSDF) yet-unnamed class of guided missile destroyer (DDG) that is planned to join the Japanese fleet in the 2020s — currently referred to as the 27DD, according to a July story in Navy Recognition.

The planned weapon systems sale for the two ships — the hulls of which will be built in Japan — further cements Japan’s trajectory in purchasing next generation weapons systems set to be compatible with the U.S. Navy’s emerging Naval Integrated Fire Control Counter Air (NIFC-CA)

“Japan continues to modernize its fleet to support Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) roles and special mission requirements. The addition of two new AEGIS DDGs will fulfill Japan’s mission goal of acquiring eight ballistic missile defense capable ships and will further enhance interoperability with the U.S. Navy, read the Friday statement.
“The proposed sale to Japan will represent an important commitment by the U.S. Government in furtherance of foreign policy and national security goals for both the United States and Japan.”

Centered around the established Lockheed Martin SPY-1D radar, the planned Mk 7 buys from Japan would give the 27DD class the same capabilities of the U.S. Navy’s Baseline 9 Arleigh Burke DDGs — capable of tackling ballistic missile defense (BMD) and simultaneously intercepting cruise missiles and aircraft — as well as transmitting and receiving target quality tracks to friendly ships and aircraft through CEC data links.

A planned upgrade to Japan’s existing Atago-class destroyers — announced in late May — will also give the two ships a similar technical backbone to tie into a joint U.S. and Japanese networked battle force.

The DSCA announcement follows a bevy in planned U.S. FMS sales to Japan. In June the State Department notified Congress of a potential $1.7 billion foreign military sales (FMS) case for Japan to buy four Northrop Grumman E-2D Advanced Hawkeye information surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft for the Japanese Air Self Defense Force (JASDF). In May Congress was notified of a potential $3 billion sale of 17 Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey tilt-rotors.

In addition to the Mk 7 Aegis Combat systems, and CEC the 27DDs will be outfitted with the AN/SQQ-89A anti-submarine warfare suite.

The following is the list of materials from the Aug 7, 2015 DSCA announcement.

Major Defense Equipment (MDE) includes:

-Two (2) AEGIS Weapon Systems (AWS) MK 7
-One (1) J7 AWS Computer Program
-Two (2) ship sets Multi-Mission Signal Processor (MMSP)
-Two (2) ship sets AN/MK8 MOD4 AEGIS Common Display System (CDS)
-Two (2) ship sets AN/SPQ-15 Digital Video Distribution System and Common Processor System (CPS)
-Two (2) ship sets AWS Computing Infrastructure MK 1 MOD4
-Two (2) ship sets Operational Readiness Test System (ORTS) hosted in AWS computing infrastructure
-Two (2) MK 99 MOD 8 Fire Control Systems
-Two (2) ship sets AN/SPG-62A Radar, Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) including Mission Planner blade server processors hosted in the CPS
-Two (2) Kill Assessment System/Weapon Data Recording Cabinets (KAS/WDRC) -Two (2) ship sets Mode 5/S capable Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) System
-Two (2) ship sets MK 36 MOD 6 Decoy Launching System
-Two (2) ship sets AN/SQQ-89A (V) 15 Underwater Surveillance and Communication System -Two (2) Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) Navigation systems with OE-553/U antenna
-Two (2) ship sets AN/SSN-6F (V) 4 Navigation Sensor System Interface (NAVSSI)
-Two (2) ship sets WSN-7(V) Inertial Navigation System (INS)
-Two (2) ship sets AN/URC-141(V) 3(C) Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS) Radio Set
-Two (2) ship sets AN/UYQ-86(V) 6 Common Data Link Management System (CDLMS) -Two (2) ship sets AN/SQQ-89A (v) 15J UWS
-Two (2) ship sets Gigabit Ethernet Data Multiplex System (GEDMS)
-Two (2) ship sets Maintenance Assist Modules (MAMs) cabinets for Fire Control and Combat Systems equipment
-Two (2) ship sets Multi-Function Towed Array (MFTA) and associated OK-410(V)3/SQR handling equipment
-Two (2) ship sets of Vertical Launching System (VLS)
-MK41 components for Direct Commercial Sales (DCS) launcher to support BMD missions employing the Standard Missile 3 (SM-3)
-Two (2) ship sets Launch Control Units (LCU) MK 235 Mod 9 with Vertical Launching System (VLS) Global Positioning System (GPS) Integrator (VGI)
-VLS launcher components including twenty-four (24) MK 448 Mod 1 Motor Control Panel -Four (4) Programmable Power Supplies MK179 Mod 0
-Twenty-four (24) Launch Sequencers MK 5 Mod 1
-Four (4) Fiber Optic Distribution Boxes (FODB)
-Twenty-four (24) Single Module Junction Boxes
-Two (2) ship sets Gun Weapon System MK 34
-Two (2) ship sets MK 20 Electro-Optical Sensor System (EOSS)
-Two (2) ship sets of Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC)
-Two (2) ship sets Global Command and Control System-Maritime (GCCS-M)
-Two (2) ship sets AN/SPQ-9B Radar
-Two (2) ship sets Enhanced AEGIS Combat Systems Trainer (ACTS) with communication suite -Two (2) ship sets technical documentation
"U.S. okays $1.5 bln sale of Lockheed Aegis combat system to Japan"



Aug 7 The U.S. State Department has approved the likely sale to Japan of two Lockheed Martin Corp Aegis combat systems valued at $1.5 billion, a deal aimed at boosting Japan's defenses against a ballistic missile attack, the U.S. Defense Department said Friday.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), which oversees foreign arms sales, said the Aegis combat systems and associated equipment would be installed on two new Japanese guided missile destroyers, or DDGs, expanding Japan's ability to carry out joint military missions with the U.S. Navy.

"The addition of two new Aegis DDGs to Japan's fleet will afford more flexibility and capability to counter regional threats and continue to enhance stability in the region," DSCA said in a notification to U.S. lawmakers that was dated Aug. 4, and released today.

The proposed sale, which is likely to be approved by Congress, will complete Japan's goal of acquiring eight ships capable of ballistic missile defense, DSCA said.

The agency said the proposed sale underscored Washington's commitment to help Japan develop and maintain a strong and ready self-defense capability.

Lockheed would be the primary contractor for the Aegis weapons system, which integrate radars, computers, software, displays, weapons launchers and weapons to defend against a range of surface, aerial and underwater threats.

DSCA said Japanese industry had asked to work with U.S. industry as sub-contractors for selected components and software, including sonar systems to be built by NEC Corp , Aegis display software by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and display hardware to be built by Fujitsu. (Reporting by Andrea Shalal; Editing by Andrew Hay)

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