Jets Magazine - March/April 2013 Issue



Just a heads up to UK residents on this one,

Jets Magazine, a magazine dedicated to classic civil and military jet aircraft from the fifties onwards, has a nice article on the "Sandystorm" series of military aircraft cancellations in 1957, it made a refreshing change to read a balanced article that took into account the political, economic and industrial realities behind the 1957 White Paper, and not just the usual by rote bashing of Sandys. Interestingly, the article castigates the British aircraft industry for being very much the architect of it's own downfall.

The article also includes some nice speculative artwork and profiles of types such as the Avro 730, SR177, Fairey Delta 3 and the TSR-2. Beside which, there are other intesting articles relating to classic jet types.


Hi Duncan,

please can you tell us about the names of those projects,just names.

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