Jet Boots

Ah, what a pity ! For use in space only .... :-[
I thought of something like that : ;D



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Wat was the purpose of those Picture Jet Boots ?

only use in Testing or Real thing for space how in end don't work ?
i think that stuff would come in handy when you want to avoid space debris at flying at more than 10 km/second ;D

Visa Parviainen flying the Birdman wingsuit with jet boots.


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mz said:
Visa Parviainen flying the Birdman wingsuit with jet boots.

Not sure how appropriate this is, but that really set my imagination racing. I figured that was 2005, so what if there's more power & lift available now?

The AMT Titan, the most powerful model jet my search revealed, has a claimed 40 Kg (392N / 88Lbf) of thrust,
This years model birdman wingsuit, the Blade ii claims a glide ratio of 3.3:1

Well, to me that looks like it could climb?
A belly pack with 5 litres of fuel would provide something like 2 minutes of flight time, comparable to jet packs etc, the only disadvantage being the need for air-launch.... RATO anyone? :p
I don't think the idea was to "climb", rather to move about more easily while floating in space around the space shuttle.
Stargazer2006 said:
I don't think the idea was to "climb", rather to move about more easily while floating in space around the space shuttle.

I know, my profoundest apologies for going off-topic in my very first post (I was, of course referring to mz's post above, in the video, visa parviainen says he maintained altitude for 30 seconds) please ignore.
Sure, he wants to climb. There's also someone in the Alps flying who claims he has gained altitude with a wingsuit and jets.
Jumping from a stationary object is easier than from an airplane, if you have the wingsuit. Or you use a low speed AN-2.

This is from 2009 and there's talk about some altitude keeping and even climbing.

[altitude gain?] This flight- No.Visa posted about his later flights in Facebook: Had a successful rocket test with a sophisticated flightrecording device. Exit alt 1460, got levelflight at 1150m. Lenght over 4 minutes, deploy alt 960m. airspeed around 180 km/h . During 30 seconds I was able to climb 30 m. Test shows that angle of the attac has to be less than 10 degreess and Phoenix-fly wingsuit i...s actually working as a wing and creating lift :) Very happy now

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