Jean Aubry - avion de tourisme

avion ancien

The accidental peasant!
6 March 2013
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The photograph below, of the small parasol wing monoplane constructed by M. Jean Aubry at Langres, France, appeared in the 10 November 1933 issue of L'Aéro. Sadly it is a very low resolution copy of a grainy newspaper illustration and I've not been able to find any other image of it or any more information about it. If anyone out there has a better image of this aeroplane and/or knows any more about it, I'll be very grateful if you'll add that picture and/or knowledge here.

With my thanks in anticipation.



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I'm sorry for the poor quality image. Does it not ring bells with anyone?
Hi Avion

can you translate this small info about Aubry aircraft,from Trait d'Union issue 170.


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"Aubry: Equipped with an automatically-stable airfoil, this little machine has a wingspan of 6,75 m, a length of 5 m and a wing surface area of 9 m2. It weighs 130 kg empty and 205 kg loaded. The engine is a 18 hp [17 bhp air-cooled] two-stroke, two-cylinder inverted inline Aubier Dunne V2D. Propeller is two-bladed. Cost for the machine is 5.000 Francs, if you build one yourself which was obviously the case for M.A. Aubry."
Thank you, Hesham and Apophenia. I'm most grateful for those technical details for the Aubry Avionette. Now I can only hope that someone may be able to come up with a better photograph...............?
Great translation my dear Apophenia,and thanks for sharing Avion.
hesham said:
Great translation my dear Apophenia,and thanks for sharing Avion.

Unfortunately I believe the text is NOT related to the picture in any way. The latter is about a "Jean Aubry" while the former talks of an "A. Aubry"...
Yes Stargazer,

there is two Aurby,one is M. A. Aubry,and the other is J. Aubry,I will check about
hesham said:
there is two Aurby,one is M. A. Aubry,and the other is J. Aubry,I will check about him.

Please remember that French is my native language, hesham. When I said "A. Aubry" and NOT "M. A. Aubry" it's because:
[list type=decimal]
[*] in French "M." means "Monsieur" (like "Mr." means "Mister" in English)
[*] in French there is no middle name justifying a second letter before the family name (compound first names would have a hyphen in between).
[/list]So unless a mistake was made in this text, what it talks about is a man called "A. Aubry".
Here is a more Info about Jean Aubry monoplane.


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