Japanese Secondary Gliders


Don't laugh, don't cry, don't even curse, but.....
31 May 2007
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Mysterious flying boat glider.
There were some different name for this glider.
1. Type 2600 amakaze or Tenpu(天風) 28-go.
2. Mizuno(美津濃) type 2600.
3. Kuuken(空研) type 2600. Kuuken(空研) means Tokyo glider research institute(東京滑究所, Tokyo kakkuuki kenkyuusho).
4. Tsuno(津野) type flying boat glider.
Float position, wind shield shape, wing support strut number and tail beam support strut which seen in the pictures are different form three side view drawing.
Perhaps the glider shown in the picture is different from the one shown in the three-sided view.
Maker : Tokyo motor boat club/Imperial air boys.
Designer : Tokichiro Tsuno
tuno-suijoukakkuuki_photo-3.jpg tuno-suijoukakkuuki_photo-7.jpg
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Another three side view drawing. Please take care float position and tension line. 水陸両用(sui riku ryo yo)means amphibian.
Source : Japanese gliders 1930~1945, Hiroyuki Kawakami, Model art, 1998.
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I imagine that at first constructor of this glider was Mizuno, tested at static condition and tested towing on the water.
Some problems were discovered in static and towing test, then modification added by Koken.
The explanation for Koken drawing said that the maiden flight date was 9th of January 1942 at Toda boat course and suceeded.
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Existing glider picture looks like this drawing.(Named Koken type 2600)
For example, wing leading edge shape, wing support shape, float position, tail beam support vertical strut)
I imagine that 2600 means Koki 2600(1940).
tuno-suijoukakkuuki_photo-3.jpg IMG_20191217_0001.jpg
I think Mizuno constructed this glider based on Tsuno's original design.
But lack of wing strength was discovered at static strength test, because of heavy weight fuselage.
So Kuken(Tokyo glider research institute) redesigned wing. And this glider succeeded maiden flight.
But because of heavy weight and high air resistance fuselage/float, gliding performance was not good compared with anticipated.
And this flying boat glider concept disappeared.
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Hi! Kyutei type-3 Juumonji-go.
In 10th of September 1942, Juumonji-go flew from Juumonji plateau to Beppu coast.
Flight time : 8minutes 34seconds, Fight distance : 10.5km (New Japanese record at the day.) 
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Fukuda Hikari type 2.1.

In September 1937, Maeda Koken Kogyo mergered Fukada light aircraft, and became Fukuda Maeda light aircraft, and fabricate Hikari type2.1 glider.
In the second of January 1942, this glider made flight record 2hours 35minutes 40 seconds at Fukuoka.

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In early 1941, a call for secondary class glider designs was co-hosted by the Japan Flight Association, the Osaka Mainichi newspaper, and the Tokyo Nichi-Nichi newspaper.
No glider received the first prize, and Toyo Metal Woodwork's Shindo SB-6 type won the second prize.
The Nihon-shiki (Kiji) pheasant type won the third prize.
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