Japanese Me 262


ACCESS: Restricted
11 October 2008
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Nakajima Ki 121 Type 7 "Kendra".

Was there really this project?

Does anyone have any information/profiles about this?.

How about this one? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakajima_Ki-201

pacopepe said:
Nakajima Ki 121 Type 7 "Kendra".

Was there really this project?

Does anyone have any information/profiles about this?.

frank said:
How about this one? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakajima_Ki-201

pacopepe said:
Nakajima Ki 121 Type 7 "Kendra".

Was there really this project?

Does anyone have any information/profiles about this?.

right frank !!! ;D ;D
Was Nakajima ki - 201 the "japanese me-262"

Google leads the gentle reader to something called the "Big Omnipedia," which is a guide to some fictional alternate history. There's an entry there for the Ki-121, Type 7, as in 1947 AD. Complete fiction.

Of interest, perhaps, is something posted over at J-aircraft.com--a video story about just-discovered blueprints to a development of the Ne-20 slated to power the Ki-201.

Nakajima Ki-121 Type 7 "Kendra". Was there really this project? Does anyone have any information/profiles about this?.

Yes and no; it's a fictional redesignation of the real Nakajima Ki-201 Karyu. It appears in the novel "Anvil of Necessity"
why inventing a fictional designation for a real project?. It's pure no sense.
why inventing a fictional designation for a real project?. It's pure no sense.

Because the timeline in the stories that make up the series branches in 1940 so the back-history is entirely different. Looking at the Big Omnipedia (the website that gives the background data for the stories) some Japanese projects that were abandoned in our timeline were carried through to completion while others that were completed in our timeline got abandoned. And, of course, after 1945, our Japanese aircraft development timeline stops dead while theirs runs on. So, the aircraft having a different designation makes sense (in fact more so than the one in our timeline that is way out of sequence).
Koike painting:

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