January Italian magazines


ACCESS: Secret
9 September 2008
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Hi Fellows,In those first days of January, for the series GAS - I Grandi Aerei Storici, Delta Editrice published my text devoted to the 'Bimotori Caproni' (from Ca.306 to Ca.316). It's a matter for that I'm indebted to late Rosario (Roberto) Abate, as I remember in the foreword. Roberto, during Seventies, supplied me a lot of information. I hope to have found some lesser known pictures and information about this very interesting family of aircraft.
N. 66 of "Eserciti nella Storia" also contains some features of interest for our readers, as the Char d'Assault Schneider CA.1 with a couple of authentic WW I colour pictures (autochromies Lumières, I think), and my beloved Teracruzer truck family. Other articles are devoted to battles and campaigns, as usually.

Nico S.
Very nice work! I learned a lot of things about theese Caproni's aircraft! It should be great to reprint and republish the extraordinary work of Rosario Abate "Gli Aeroplani della Caproni Aeronautica Bergamasca", that unfortunatly is as rare as water in the desert...
Hi Nico!

Congratulations with a new publication!
Could you point me to a good shop, which could sell and send this editions outside Italy, for example - to Germany. Unfortunately, publishing house web-page doesn't contain an option to order books directly.

Thanks in advance!

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