And from La Fana and TU magazines,I can say as only my speculations ;
1924/25 was a flying car patent,with pusher engine
1927 was a biplane patent to proof the concept
V.1 Varivol was the first airplane as a well known one,1929/30
V.2 was a 4/6 passenger tourist airplane Project of 1934,powered by one 200 or 300 hp engine
V.3 was an experimental monoplane Project of 1934,with large variable surface wing area
V.4 was a 10/12 passenger small transport sesquiplane Project of 1934,powered by two push-pull engines
V.5 Arbalète was a transatlantic large transport biplane Project of 1935,powered by four (each two in pair)
860 hp engines
V.6E was a single seat racer monoplane of 1936