Italian "Torpedine" ?


I really should change my personal text
7 March 2015
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First, I'm sure it's a paravane, but the mention "Torpedine" on the device confuses me. It seems to have been disassembled on its upper part, finally I don't know what it is exactly just speculation. I would like to have more information on the operational mode of this Italian paravane. torp.jpg
First, I'm sure it's a paravane, but the mention "Torpedine" on the device confuses me. It seems to have been disassembled on its upper part, finally I don't know what it is exactly just speculation. I would like to have more information on the operational mode of this Italian paravane.View attachment 679832

Torpedine is the Italian (and Latin) name for electric rays (fish) which makes me wonder if this is some sort of influence towed device. But it could also just be an affectionate nickname?
My italian is far from perfect, but AFAIK
torpedine a strappo ginocchio : torpedo with articulated attachment
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Nice find klem! You will find here information about the torpedine and its designer.I Know it's in Italian, therefore to translate, some goodwill would be welcome to better understand the content of these pages.


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To shorten things and avoid duplicated efforts, I've merged those pages into an OCRed pdf-file.


  • Torpedine.pdf
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Nice find klem! You will find here information about the torpedine and its designer.I Know it's in Italian, therefore to translate, some goodwill would be welcome to better understand the content of these pages.​
Thanks Scapaflow for this information provided. So in summary, this torpedo was designed by officer "Manlio Ginocchio", during the First World War for anti-submarine use, this underwater weapon remained in service, with slight modifications, until the Second World War, during which she was embarked on a torpedo boat, v.a.s. "and Royal Navy submarine hunters". The modes of use and the technical characteristics made it in fact a weapon of very little efficiency, several shortcomings were highlighted, however this did not prevent its export to France during the First World War. Between 1916 and 1927, five models of towing torpedoes were manufactured and in particular : (1) T.R. type 16/1916 I.A." (2) T.R. type 30/1916 l.A.b.e. (3) TR type 30/1917L.A.G.P. (4) TR type 46/1927 L.A.B.E. (5) TR type 46/1927 L.A.G.P. After the first model, later versions underwent several modifcations. The model in the picture is actually a simulacrum of a "Ginocchio" towed torpedo housed in the Italian War History Museum in Rovereto. Incomplete and characterized by large openings made to facilitate the study of the internal components of the paravane.

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