Italian publications for July-August 2011


ACCESS: Secret
9 September 2008
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Hallo my friends,
I'm convinced that all our Italian-reading blogger cannot survive without knowing what my publisher is sending to the newstands in this month of July.
There were four new issues:
The 'I libri di War Set' series offers "Tunisia" (When the Italians shocked the world) by Orazio Ferrara, devoted to the operations in Northern Africa following the Operation Torch.
For the series 'GAS - I Grandi Aerei Storici' (Great Historical Aircraft) there is a very concise title about Mosquito and Beaufighter (yes, by myself).
For the magazine "Eserciti nella Storia" (Armies in the History) No. 63 there is a feature (I strongly disagree with the conclusions) about the infamous German atomic bomb, with some picture of the Heinkel He 177 V38 and, obviously, others; perhaps new is a page about the Guzzi Motoblinda, a curious prototype of Italian three-wheels armoured car of 1928, a more in-depth feature about German lorries of WW II, a concise profile of the British Matilda tanks and other features with less relationship with the matter we usually deal with in this forum.
Last (but not least) "AEREI" No. 64 includes a series of reportages about Operation Unified Protector, by Giuseppe Fassari, a profile on the Dassault Mirage 2000 (by my son Alberto), an article about the British National Audit Office review of the EF-2000 programme and an opinion of mine about the demise of the STOVL concept.

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