Italian governement reportedly planning to break up Leonardo (Finmeccanica)


ACCESS: Secret
31 January 2010
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Italian newspaper reporting the government has decided to break up Leonardo (Finmeccanica)

Il governo riesuma Profumo per liquidare Finmeccanica
Italianità addio - Renzi e Padoan avrebbero preso contatti con Usa e partner europei: l’azienda spacchettata e ceduta ai colossi francesi e tedeschi

Rest here in Italian ... meccanica/

Long story short.
AgustaWestland sold to Lockheed; Alenia, space biz & MBDA stake to Airbus & electronics to thales.
I also can't see the DOD permitting Lockheed to acquire two helicopter manufacturers in as many years
especially in light of the just issued (Feb 27, 2017) DOD Directive 5000.62 covering mergers/acquisitions.
marauder2048 said:
I also can't see the DOD permitting Lockheed to acquire two helicopter manufacturers in as many years
especially in light of the just issued (Feb 27, 2017) DOD Directive 5000.62 covering mergers/acquisitions.

Someone planting a story for stock manipulation or similar, do you think?

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