Iranian Supersonic Aircraft?


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5 April 2006
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Almost certainly this is utter nonsense, and might better be installed within the "theoretical" forum.

Anyway, from a recent Iranian parade, a photo of what appears to be a model of a manned hypsersonic aircraft, possibly rocket-powered (no inlets seem visible):

Taken from here:


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Re: Iranian Hypersonic Aircraft?

So far, I think its model. Nothing less, nothing more. As "real" as their 5th generation fighter concept.


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Re: Iranian Hypersonic Aircraft?

I'd bet one would have no problem dredging up a fighter from the 50s that looks pretty close to that. ::)
Ha, ha, ha, ha, check out what else they had in that parade:

The Iranians are funny. ;D
A T-33, Isreal and the infidels have no hope against such an advanced aircraft! ;D
I wish I could dream up some models that looked that good - let alone have a defence budget which supported me! :D
I think they would be better concentrating their time, money and efforts on WMD or PRC J-10`s ;)


on the T-33
that aircaft was in servis in the former Imperial Iranian Air Force way back in 1950s
even the first Aircraft or atleast first Jet fighter in the former Imperial Iranian Air Force ?

IMHO that make sence to show in Iranian parade as:
"Look how we began back in 1950s, Look how we will flight in Future"
with the "Blue" model

but let face it until that "Blue" model become a real jetfighter in flight
USA gona be making much progress...
Pioneer said:
I think they would be better concentrating their time, money and efforts on WMD or PRC J-10`s ;)


On the contrary Pioneer. I believe that Iran, who probably could have bought dozens of jet fighters from Russia or China over the last 20 years, have actually followed a very sensible course. They only have to make it unfeasible for any of the locals to invade or attack them. And this is why their conventional armaments programme is not terribly "bleeding edge" wasteful at present. ie ... a lot of upgraded older equipment, whilst a lot of these much touted new programmes are probably extended R&D projects kept on a low back-burner.

A lot of these models are concepts that will most likely not see the light of day. I think anybody with a serious military head on their shoulders tacitly knows this. In a sense, they are most likely a way to instigate national pride .... a sensible thing to do from an Iranian government standpoint.

WMD's and assymetrical warfare are the real weapons of deterrence against the powers from further afield. I think those on both sides of the divide know this. ;)

IMHO I think they have the balance as right as it could be, considering the sanctions game as well.
At least the design looks interesting. Heck, at least you can give them credit for trying/dreaming. They may never design this aircraft but it could evolve to a stealthy UCAV or use lessons learned to upgrade their existing aircraft.

I've read somewhere that they are into backwards engineering. Re-inventing the aircraft they currently fly.
unless they put a delta wing on their F-4s. I can't see them transforming any of the models shown as flying prototypes. :D
McColm said:
I've read somewhere that they are into backwards engineering. Re-inventing the aircraft they currently fly.
unless they put a delta wing on their F-4s. I can't see them transforming any of the models shown as flying prototypes. :D

How dare you suggest such a thing. Clearly the addition of twin tails to the F-5 makes it comparable to the Super Hornet. Rumor has it Air Power Australia is going to reveal how it can easily beat the F-35 too.
Even the Israel with all its technologies and funds failed in developing the stealthy U(C)AV HA-10, so there is no chance Iran can do it. We can expect technology like twin engined F-5 or recently introduced Karrar, but nothing significantly better.

I would be very pleased, if that models represent some real designs that the Iranian engineers cant build because of the lack of the money, but I assume that they are only the imagination of the modelmakers. Funny thing is that the both "5. generation fighter" models have very F-22-like canopy :)
Matej said:
Even the Israel with all its technologies and funds failed in developing the stealthy U(C)AV HA-10, so there is no chance Iran can do it. We can expect technology like twin engined F-5 or recently introduced Karrar, but nothing significantly better.

I don't know about that. For example, the F-117 geometry is extremely well understood. It should not be troublesome for some other nation to build a wholly-new aircraft, but using F-117 outer mold lines and engine inlets/exhaust. Or replicate the A-12 Avenger II, or even take a shot at the F-22/23 geometry. Even if it is a badly slapped-together piece of rivetted sheetmetal fuselage over a warmed-over F-5, it would still be an improvement as far as RCS. It wouldn't be as good as what the US is capable of, but it'd be better than what they have... and perhaps "good enough" for the threats they'd intend to take on.
Its not that simple. I see your point, but the shape of the aircraft itself is only one piece of the puzzle. In the same time they need good RAM material, at least basic passive sensors, perfect mission planning and such a things. In this case far better choice should be German Lampyridae design with much better aerodynamic characteristics (F-117 is highly unstable design that can fly only thanks to multiple backup flight control system, at least on the F-16 level) and also slightly better RCS, especially from the front. But Iran don't follow this option for a reason. Even if they succeed in building this kind of vehicle, it will still not be good enough to penetrate US or Israel and now even Iraq air defense.

They had the project of the advanced semi stealthy fighter called M-ATF, developed from the beginning of the millennium with the Russia. Later transformed into trainer/light attacker Shafaq and sometime in 2005 transformed once again into domestic M-ATF. But they were not able to proceed beyond the mockup stage without the external help. And it was very good design, based on the Mukhamedov work and in the Korean T-50/A-50 category, what is exactly what fits Iranian needs.

From the mentioned facts we can conclude, that 5th generation or at least semi-stealthy fighter is unachievable for the Iran without the external help. If we take a look on the weapon systems, introduced in the last decade, we can see, that Iran rely on the reinventing of the old, but proved and efficient designs, so for the next years I am sure that they wont have anyting better than F-14/F-5 combination. Maybe in the far-term future they will be allowed to buy stealthyfied version of the China/Pakistan FC-1/JF-17 fighter currently under the development, but I expect strong US lobby against it.
Matej said:
Even if they succeed in building this kind of vehicle, it will still not be good enough to penetrate US or Israel and now even Iraq air defense.

As we've seen, the Iranians are perfectly willing to build WIG aircraft of dubious military utility... but they are probably *cheap.* A decent enough strategy would be to build a whole lot of expendable aircraft, manned or unmanned, and throw them all at once at their targets... and build and employ a smaller number of improved-RCS vehicles to try to slip through the melee.

Not saying they are *going* to do that, just that it'd be a viable strategy. Like most collectivist states, Iran does not seem to have a problem with throwing bodies at a problem if they think that'll do the job.
Orionblamblam said:
...just that it'd be a viable strategy.

I agree with that. But my question is, if the results of their (currently hypothetical) LO work will excuse the investments. If the conventional rocket mounted on the ordinary truck doesn't do the same job even cheaper.

To conclude: I am sure that the Iran has the job for the stealthy fighter, however it seems that there is not any real political support for the development, except the use of the interesting what-if models for propaganda.
Mod edit: Now enough! I removed all the stupid posts that don't have anything to do with the topic subject and violates the forum rules (politics). Rickshaw is banned from posting for three days, Orionblamblam has the warning not to let himself provoked, or will quickly follow the same destiny. Anybody else wants to try?
Some countries are not good at doing certain things. Iran should be broadly in the class of such countries as Turkey, Brazil, S Korea, and Taiwan. They also were (again, broadly) under siege for nearly three decades such as S Africa and Israel. What have they produced? An APC that is an amalgm of US and WarPac parts, a tank based on the M-60 that can't make it out of the prototype stage, and a couple warmed over (and perhaps photoshopped) F-5 designs. THeir auto industry is based on warmed over European models, and their Uranium refining program was stumbling even before Stuxnet. Though they sit on a pool of oil, they STILL must import most of their fuel, they cannot make enough of their own gasoline and kerosene. They are making a virtue out of necessity.
That blue design looks really cool, it looks like a stealthy mirage III or lightweight cheap stealth fighter. I kinda like it though for its functional look and it looks lightweight and cheap to counter the trend of ever more expensive bank and budget busting western aircraft. Like Orion says even if its held together with pop rivets it may offer them some usefulness. They don't even need to put a radar in it. Make it a modern day stealthy day fighter.

On a side note, their Generals could all use a good shave. Our military would never allow so many beards at an important event like that.

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