Iran to get Chinese J-10 fighters in return for oil rights


Donald McKelvy
Senior Member
14 August 2009
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Take with a grain of salt...

"Iran to get Chinese J-10 fighters in return for oil rights"
Staff Reporter 2015-08-05


Iran will become the second overseas user of Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group's J-10 fighter without paying a dollar to China by signing a contract to allow Beijing to exploit its largest oilfield over the next 20 years, according to our sister paper Want Daily.

China will provide the Iranian Air Force with a total number of 24 F-10 Vigorous Dragon jets, the export version of the J-10, to equip its two fighter groups. The cost of a single J-10 is estimated at US$40 million, making the value of the deal around US$1 billion. This could be bartered through permitting Beijing 20 years of exploitation rights to the Azadegan oilfield.

With a range of 2,940 kilometers, the fighters are capable of defending Iran's entire airspace and that of the Persian Gulf.

Several Chinese military analysts believe the United States may not be happy about such a deal and China will face international pressure should Iran use the fighters in combat against US allies in the region. Others meanwhile pointed out that 24 fighters will not make a major difference to the strategic situation in the Middle East.

It has been alleged — though officially denied — that the J-10 was developed with technology provided by Israel. If this is the case, it would be somewhat ironic if that technology ends up in the hands of Israel's primary and avowed enemy in the region.

Pakistan is the first overseas customer for the J-10. Back in 2009, China agreed to sell 36 export version of the advanced J-10B fighters known as FC-20 to Pakistan in a contract worth US$$1.4 billion. The aircraft is designed to be equipped with new weapons system such as the SD-10A Beyond Visual Range Air to Air Missile. None of the aircraft have yet been delivered to the Pakistan Air Force, however.
Not the most reliable source but we shall see. Probably the best solution technically for Iran - relatively modern, no reliance on US, and less familiar than MiG-29/Su-27 derivatives to Western agencies.
even if the news is true (which is doubtful when one looks at the source) one has to keep in mind the arms embargo will last at least 5 more years after the general sanctions end. So basically no delivery of any arms before 2020.
It is reported in a number of places (e.g. though one has to be cautious that they aren't all feeding off each other.
GTX said:
It is reported in a number of places (e.g. though one has to be cautious that they aren't all feeding off each other.

With DEBKAfile reporting a deal for 150 J-10 fighters up from the 24 reported by Want China Times. I don't know the reputation for accuracy of either of these sources. I probably should have posted this article in "The Bar."

Today, Want China Times published yet another article about the deal claiming different sources. This is starting to look like a bunch of BS.

"Iran nearing deal for China's J-10 fighters: report"

Some Israeli newspapers have written articles based on the original Want China Time story. Seems like someone is stirring the pot. It certainly would make Israelis angry if Iran purchased a Chinese fighter some believe to be a copy of the Lavi.

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