Iran Drone Factory hit by drone?

Forest Green

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
11 June 2019
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If this is true - then Israel has just openly declared war on Iran..!

It might just be a bit of tit-for-tat... But probably still represents an act of war, so yeah.
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If this is true - then Israel has just openly declared war on Iran..!
"Appears" is not "open."
That's why I used the word 'IF'...
Even if it is true, it's not an "open" declaration of war.
Maybe if Iran had not sent its puppets to murder 2x 7 people in J'lem the night before,
then maybe it could be construed as "Israel declaring war".

Otherwise it is only Iran reaping the whirlwind it not-so-smartly sowed, and Israel defending her people.

.... unless Israel is the pre-designated culprit beforehand, of course.
Not only they're guilty of being (J...) Evil Zionists to begin with, which is damning enough,
but then they even dare to defend themselves. The GALL!
I think Israel finally decided that they get bad press when they attack Palestinians after attacks, so they're just going straight for the puppet master instead this time.
710 kt would be the equivalent of 1,5620,000,000 lbs of high explosive (for anyone who hasn't plugged it into a calculator yet ) so that seems unlikely.

700kt is a large (by current convention) warhead too. Unlikely to be some sort of exotic penetrator.
There's multiple sources for the earthquake. So that definitely happened, but the cause is likely just to be a natural coincidence.

Perhaps it would be better, not to go too deep into this discussion, until more facts are known.
Especially problematic could be the use of irony or sarcasm, as those rhetorical devices aren't always
recognisable at first glance, and could easily lead to irritations.

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