Interesting comment on Russian avionics?

Bill Walker

Per Ardua ad Nauseum
13 February 2012
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Don't have a date for this photo, but my source claims it shows a new MiG-29 on delivery to the Indian Navy. That is an off the shelf commercial Garmin GPS box inside the red circle.

I suppose they only support GLONASS by default?

If NATO lowers the resolution of the GPS signals (which they can do at will) it can lead to some precision targeting issues...
Considering just how widespread DGPS is I'm not sure that's much of an issue anymore
I thought I read somewhere that Navy F-14 pilots in the 1980's were using automotive radar (cop) detectors in their F-14s as a radar warning device. Maybe the Russians are using the GPS as a navigational aid or backup system. Either that or their aircraft avionics development is seriously underfunded.
Bill Walker said:
Don't have a date for this photo, but my source claims it shows a new MiG-29 on delivery to the Indian Navy. That is an off the shelf commercial Garmin GPS box inside the red circle.
COTS. a cheap, easy, effective . typical Russian way of doing things, in short :)
It's a pity though - there is only analogue display left in these versions (it is on the right hand side of the cockpit - not visible in these photos). I always loved the redundance of the earlier models - and also the sense of continuity that it provides. Great if your faraday cage fails too!
It really could just be personal preference and the guy in the backseat flys around a lot in different aircraft and uses his own GPS. I have seen pilots take off other perfectly adequate GPSs to put "theirs" on and hand me the other pilots GPS with "give this to so and so-- its his"

So no big deal from where I am sitting.

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