If it's a "normal" job, what then is the Boeing Model 119? Which aircraft manufactured by Boeing use a drag chute in the current US inventory?
Or is this a hire for flight testing of the
Silent Eagle the F-15SE doesn't have folding wings, to the best of my knowledge. So what is the Boeing model 119?
Seriously guys, did you even read it?
Inspect the construction and modification of experimental aircraft. Perform activities prior to flight status and final inspection and daily maintenance of completed experimental aircraft or major modification to experimental aircraft; performing operational checkout of systems prior to preflight inspection; inspecting the mating of major experimental aircraft assemblies; inspecting plumbing and electrical mockups; inspecting experimental tooling; inspecting experimental aircraft power plants during engine run-up while installed in the stand.
That doesn't read "normal" to me. Also, since the job is based in Vegas, it seems to me it will be out of Groom Lake. If it was just "normal" flight testing it would be out of Edwards. The only aircraft development work I know of out of Nellis is for tactics/training development and weapons testing.
OK, it's either new, an FA-XX Demonstrator, an aircraft with wings that fold to fit in a cargo plane, or a "new" Super Hornet, unless you guys know of another two seat Boeing aircraft with a drag chute and folding wings; especially operating out of the Vegas area.
Direct the aircraft in, chock the aircraft, putting up the boarding ladders, install essential safeties and unlock and fold wings.
So, I ask again, what is the Boeing Model 119, if this is all just "normal?"
To clarify, yes, the job reads as a
simply generic for military test flight line maintenance. However, what I think Quellish was trying to point out, or at least I am now, is it's what he/she will be performing maintenance on, that isn't normal. I would also like to add that the job is for the Phantom Works, which is Boeing's Skunk Works and the classification specs shown lower in the requirements demonstrate this isn't for normal maintenance duties. That is not a normal job.