Indian SMART Long Range ASW weapon

Probably hitting submarines in dock, like if China based subs in Sri Lanka or something.
But I was told SSBNs would be impossible to find for the next hundred years. /sarc
It was never impossible, just difficult, you had to drop a sonar buoy in exactly the right place, or very close. Whereas this would make it more like that bit on Terminator Salvation where skynet finds the sub.
If they are using a laser to measure vibrations, the sensitivity is still going to be depth limited and rely on the target generating noise. That might make it a useful sensor for detecting SSKs in shallow water during a snort but it hardly seems like a good mechanism for searching open ocean.
If they are using a laser to measure vibrations, the sensitivity is still going to be depth limited and rely on the target generating noise. That might make it a useful sensor for detecting SSKs in shallow water during a snort but it hardly seems like a good mechanism for searching open ocean.
It seems the light is converted to an acoustic signal upon entry to water, and they also can use it to know the depth, so a submarine would alter the depth. We should probably continue any further discussion on the other thread.



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