Improvised ground-to-ground use of the S-5 air-to-ground missile.


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16 December 2010
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I found recently a rather interesting booklet covering the use of the Soviet S-5 air-to-ground rocket as an improvised ground-to-ground missile, it apparently started off during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan with the Russians mounting them on tanks, APCs and trucks to provide quick reaction firepower. Thereafter it seems the major users of such systems have been of the non-state variety, with the most prominent use being by the rebels fighting against Ghadaffi in 2011 who aside from 'Mad Max' style mountings on the back of trucks, also created improvised bazooka style weapons using individual S-5 launching tubes.

The report by the Australia based Armaments Research Services, is linked below as are two videos showing in the first an improvised bazooka

and also truck mounted S-5 launchers.

Armaments Research Services - Research Report 1: Improvised Employment of S-5 Air-to-Surface Rockets in Land Warfare

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