Improved Taiho challenge


ACCESS: Restricted
14 September 2020
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I have a challenge for any posters who know how to work out the tonnage for particular ships...

One of the weaknesses of the IJN carrier Taiho was that, due to her weight of armour, her 'standard' height above see level was 12.51m. When under full load it was barely over 12m. (see

This meant that the floor of her lower hangar was almost at sea level (quite different to British armoured carriers) and the wells accommodating her lifts when they were in the lowered position may even have been slightly below sea level.

Taiho's loss was due, in part, to the lack of height of her lower hangar floor above sea level (as well as poor damage-control procedures and even worse training.)

The Shokakus, on the other hand, were held in high regard by the Japanese from a design perspective. Their flight decks were 14.13m above sea level. Let's assume that figure is an ideal.

How much bigger would Taiho have needed to be to have her flight deck 14.13m above sea level in 'standard' condition? How much extra length/beam/draft and, consequently, displacement would be required?

Is the a formula to enable such things to be worked out?

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