Image of unknown german missile/rocket


I really should change my personal text
1 September 2017
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Hello everyone,
I hope this has not been posted here before, as I was unable to find it and I hope I don't break any rules by posting.
I stumbled upon these two images on Facebook, where it was claimed, that they were taken at the Rheinmetall testing facility.

Provided the images are not fake, the large rocket in the background looks like an A4 or at least a mockup thereof. Close to the two people, there is a missile part that could be one of the Rauchzylinder RZ developments. I think there is a HS 293 C or HS 294 missile warhead lying on the ground, and in between what looks like booster units similar to the ones used for Messerschmitt's Enzian. There also appears to be the rear part of a PC 500 RS.

But what are the two black rocket like things lying in the middle? The holes in the conical part make them seem rather odd and their front end does not look like a very high speed design. Does anyone know more?
69363920_2236768269754818_3812271984780247040_n.jpg 69023492_2236768003088178_5095013424279060480_n.jpg
I have seen hundreds of original wartime photos, including advanced missiles. There are a few things in the photos that appear anomalous. For example, the top fin of the large rocket and the tip of its nose. The other missile/rocket components may be actual hardware. Their arrangement in the photo suggests they were gathered together so they could all appear in one photo. The black object on the left appears to have a large conical opening as if it fits onto the top of a lower component. It vaguely resembles the emergency escape rocket used on early NASA space capsules. Without looking at the original photos, it is not possible to authenticate this.
The "black rocket like thing" looks like a sea mine to be dropped by an aircraft. In the closer photo, the "nose" is to the right, and the tail is to the left and cut off the edge of the photo. Looks to me kinda like one of these with an added tail unit.

Referring to the photo on the left, the black projectile is resting on a piece of wood that, when enlarged, reveals the letters GMIF. Even if I missed a correct letter, the first and last letters appear to be G and F.
I think there is a HS 293 C or HS 294 missile warhead
Not real, it is very similar to the 293 C warhead (minus the stabilizing collar), but it's some 2-3 times smaller.
Generally the illustrated projectiles with long tails are specimens intended for basic ballistic tests of warheads, most probably of water (or maybe ground?) entry - they were fired from a special barrel into the water, to investigate their behaviour at different impact angles.
The dark projectile at the front could be an actual mortar shell, as Rheinmetall was developing big calibre mortars, even 50 or 85 cm.

Actually, black thing on the right (long one with cone) looks like part of infamous "Rheinbote" missile.
I don't think so, it does not resemble the Rheinbote at all.
I also suspect, there could be parts of two rocket propelled depth charges close to the men in the 1st picture.
If the black object on the right is a mortar shell, it is very large in comparison to other objects in the photo, including the two men. The two ring-like attachments resemble 'driving bands' for use in certain types of cannons. The probability that these two photos are authentic is low.
The probability that these two photos are authentic is low.
I'm sure they are genuine. They show real items, practically unknown to majority of researchers. Then if you look closely, this "Hs 293 C" warhead has a correct profile of the nose, which is just always improperly reproduced in popular drawings. If somebody had faked the photo, he would have been the greatest Wunderwaffe expert in the world.
There is no way to prove these photos are genuine without access to the originals.
i not sure do low quality of picture
but is that British officer on Left ?

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