GEC-Marconi Ilyushin Il-76-based Argus 2000 AEW proporsal for PLAAF (1996)


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26 May 2006
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Given the PLAAF markings on the design in the picture, this design could be the Beriev A-50I that would have featured the nose-mounted Israeli-made Phalcon radar, but had to be cancelled in June 2000 due to US pressure, given that the radome fitted to the plane in the picture is the same as the Phalcon radar fitted to a Boeing 707 in use by the Chilean Air Force.
It is understood that GEC-Marconi has met Russian and Chinese ofÌcials recently to try to resolve the issue. In exchange for supplying proprietary design information to the UK company, to enable it to make the necessary structural modifications, the Russians are asking for a share of the programme.

GEC-Marconi is proposing its mechanically steered Argus 2000 AEW radar system to the Chinese air force, mounted on an Il-76. British Aerospace is understood to be drawing on earlier experience with its now-defunct Nimrod AEW programme, to help modify the nose and tail structure for mounting the bi-polar radar assembly.

Chinese officials continue to show strong interest in the Argus system, despite growing air force attention now being paid to the electronically steered phased-array Phalcon system. IAI is known to have recently demonstrated the system to the air force, using Chile's Phalcon-equipped Boeing 707.

Air force decision-makers appear to be wavering between pursuing an advanced-technology solution to their AEW needs, in the form of the Phalcon, or opting for the older, conventional, Argus system. Defence officials suggest that China might opt in the end for a fly-off type of competition between the two.
IAI has already obtained an Il-76 airframe to modify as a Phalcon platform. Rather than opt for a 707-type side-panel configuration, IAI is thought to have chosen a dorsal-mounted array, similar to that being proposed to Australia. The system consists of a three-sided array providing 360 degree of coverage, housed in a fixed- rotodome-type assembly.

Source: Flight International
Its an artist's impression of GEC Marconi's rival bid to the IAI Phalcon for China.

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