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14 January 2007
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Hi all,

I search for more information about a french glider named "Baleck". Who know´s more?

Servus, Maveric


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It was an attempt for a human powered aircraft and as it seems, not too much
information has survived, as IIRC descriptions in the TMB ("Technikmuseum Berlin", Technical
museum Berlin) about this exhibit were qute sparse.
BTW, a little bit strange, searching for brings several hits for "Balek", but only very few for
"Baleck", although it's written clearly directly on it.... ???
From TU 193,

The Peugeot prize for muscular-powered ultra-light airplane which was
held on June 25, 1920 in Paris saw the tests of a duck-type machine imagined
by a certain Baleck and piloted by a named January. The editor does
not know more.


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Interesting. The Trait d'Union index has the date as 1919.

Le Trait d'Union, Branche Fraçaise d'Air-Britain. Index Numéros 1 à 266
Prix Peugeot 1919 190/25s (MP), 193/56 (C)

BTW, Le prix Peugeot was also known as the Prix du Décamètre (the 10 Meter Prize). That human-powered 10 m course was to be flown twice - once in either direction to obviate the effects of prevailing breezes.

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