IAR-318 attack helicopter project


ACCESS: Top Secret
9 January 2010
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Hello gents,

Just found this on the net, needless to say i was jawdropped. Like other such romanian projects, not much information is available. The IAR-318 (if that is the real name!) is an 1980s project, it uses the IAR-330 Puma's engines and drive train but it has a new fuselage. It is not clear if it could still carry troops in the fuselage like Mi-24. There are GS-23L cannons in each landing gear fairing, and the weapon suite seems to include the likely romanian versions of the UB-16 while the ATGM could be a romanian Malyutka or a laser guided project called RATAL/RATLD as mentioned on a romanian blog.

This is like the romanian version of the Rooivalk project, but IAR-318 remained only a model... :(




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Looks like it could have+ engines, two air intakes either side of the cockpit and one on the starboard side of the rotor assembly (perhaps a matching one on the other side?). All in all though a good looking machine.
Please take a look at the end of this romanian spotter thread. I translate the text with babelfish and I believe this model is named IAR.320... B)
Maveric said:
Please take a look at the end of this romanian spotter thread. I translate the text with babelfish and I believe this model is named IAR.320... B)

Not at all,please read the translation;

Come on, it can be done. I may attach another photo of the same helicopter that changed sleigh legs and several pictures of IAR 317 Airfox to see the differences. IAR 318 is not as someone suggested, for IAR 318 remained in draft form, below a picture of IAR 318 model.
JohnR said:
Looks like it could have+ engines, two air intakes either side of the cockpit and one on the starboard side of the rotor assembly (perhaps a matching one on the other side?). All in all though a good looking machine.

It appears that the two intakes immediately after the canopy are for the engines, while what can be seen either side of the rotor are IR supressors quite similar to the ones on Mi-24 again.

PS: Regarding the translation, IAR-320 is the designation for the IAR-317 Airfox predecessor, it has nothing to do with this project IAR-318. Like another poster said, the odd numbering is puzzling (first 320 and then 317), but that's what they did.
Already some years old, and as mentioned in the key, the line drawing is source grade 2 at best, for the colour
profile the resulting side view was used, supplemented with several details from the IAR-330 in Romanian service, so
highly speculative !


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  • IAR_318_Notes.pdf
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