Just a tough...
I know that the Skybolt program was cancelled in 1962...my question is, could this missile have followed the path of air-launched cruise missiles? I mean, get ride off the nuclear warhead for a conventional one, and add high precision guidance system such as GPS...
It would have required either high precision guidance (more accurate than astro-inertial!) or terminal guidance like Pershing 2.

And you'd still have issues with people suspecting that it's nuclear not conventional.

IMHO, cancellation of Skybolt was the silliest decision done by the dynamic duo (McNamara-Kennedy), not only in retrospect... A niormal strategic/military mind could have it back in 1962.
Skybolt was done in the most hurried-up manner, using existing components and it was working. If the same metrics of failed test-flight used for Skybolt had been used on Corona, the US would renounced spy satellites in 1960... A Skybolt 2, designed from scratch, would have been a most formidable weapon, and a Skybolt 3 could have subistitute most ICBM on the US part. Mayor problem of Skybolt (and ALBMs in general) was the incertitude of the launcher position. With GPS ON THE LAUNCHER (not necessary to wait for small GPS receiver on-board the missile itself) they could reach a real outstanding precision without terminal guidance. And add a radar-image mapping (a là Pershing II) and you'll have a quick strike, intercontinental, surgical weapon, by 1982.... I think cancellation on the Skybolt represented a real turning point (for the worse) in the western strategic posture.
I think you're underselling the guidance difficulty, though inertial nav systems care about how long since their last fix, not how far have they moved since their last fix.

Speaking “same missile” LEO and surface to surface is there a basic rule of thumb for payload comparison?

I think an SS-18 has a ballistic throw weight of 8800kg but puts less than 2000kg into LEO.

I ask cause ATK proposed an all solid Antares with a 25k lbs LEO and was curious if used as a CPGS missile would its payload exceed 75k lbs +
I don't think there's a rule of thumb.

You need 9500m/s for orbit. I think the ICBMs have around 7000 in their "missile" config. And in terms of energy needed, it grows exponentially from 6km/s to 9.5km/s.
? My previous post has nothing to do with the IAI missile(s) and everything to do with ALBMs in general. Why'd it get moved here?
What are the odds that the IDF has secretly developed a version of the Air-LORA with a nuclear-warhead?
Far from impossible and it would likely go a very long way too since nuclear warheads tend to be lighter. A W78 (270kg) is less than half the weight of the standard LORA warhead (570kg).
Far from impossible and it would likely go a very long way too since nuclear warheads tend to be lighter. A W78 (270kg) is less than half the weight of the standard LORA warhead (570kg).
If i remember it right Lora Had a bunch of warhead weight options for a given range. I think it was 570-600kg, 400kg and / or 250-300kg. So it could take one without a problem If the volume is small enough.
Its already supposed to do when ground launched (tough this may be with the lighter warhead option).
Are you sure? I thought the ground launched version have the same top speed as ATACM given that they have the same size basically
I wonder if the missile that Israel recently launched at Iran is this one or Rocks?
Defense Updates has just uploaded a video to do with the air-LORA:

Continuing with its tradition of developing innovative products, Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) has come up with a potent weapon.IAI officially unveiled an air-launched version of its LORA (Long Range Artillery), a short-range ballistic missile originally developed for surface launch.
The weapon, known as Air LORA, has long been rumored to exist and made its debut this week at the ILA Berlin aerospace show in the German capital.The missile is being seen as a counter to the proliferation of air defense systems.
Jacob Galifat, General Manager of the IAI/MLM Division: ”AIR LORA opens new frontiers and capabilities to our customers and improves the attack and defense capabilities for countries, with minimal risk to pilots and platforms. AIR LORA offers air forces the ability to surprise the enemy in its deep land with massive and GNSS Anti-Jam protected accurate strike capabilities”.
In this video, Defense Updates analyzes why AIR LORA will be a major headache for Israel’s enemies ?

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