Hypothetical Hypersonic


ACCESS: Top Secret
16 January 2008
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OK, I'm trying to flesh out a design I've had in my head for a while.

I envision a twin-tail, double-delta wing mid-mounted to a cylindrical fuselage similar to the X-15's, but without the side tunnels. The fuselage tapers at the end however as there is no big rocket engine back aft. Propulsion will be provided by a ramjet under each wing and a solid-fuel booster to get the ramjets up to about Mach 5.

I almost forgot to mention, this aircraft will be dropped by B-52.

See what I'm wondering is about heating issues with the ramjet bays in relation to the fuselage. Is it better situate them immediately next to the fuselage? Or should they be spaced out a little.

Also, would there be any problems from having the front of the engines under the double-delta? Or should the front of the engines be brought out so as to break the delta wing's continuity?

Decisions, decisions.
XP67_Moonbat said:
OK, I'm trying to flesh out a design I've had in my head for a while.

Unless you give reasons for each of the design decisions, the criteria is only in your head and can't be commented on from the perspective of trying to provide constructive criticism.
Touche. Know what? Let me get the design worked out first and I'll see about getting it on here when I can.
As to the placement of anything which can generate shock waves you need to consider shock impingement and heating. If not taken into account the consequences are not trivial. see for instance:Flight Experience with Shock Impingement and Interference Heating on the X-15-2 Research Airplane, Watts, J.D., NASA TM X-1669, October, 1968.

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