Hyperganic/EOS Nozzle

Never let complexity scare you. I want to see if AI can build a jacketed thrust design where a cooler outer exhaust ring protects a much hotter exhaust-thrust core.
True, but I was thinking for chemical reactions like an all-exhaust combustion chamber for dicyanoacetylene and FOOF. The nozzle is channel-wall, but the exhaust of a more modest reaction is between that and the hotter reaction at the core. There is a new heat-proof chaotic carbide that could stir molten steel-from Duke's MURI program under Stefano Curtarolo and Arrigo Calzolari's work on high entropy materials and plasmonics. Use as injectors for an all chemical NSWR type deal.
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True, but I was thinking for chemical reactions like an all-exhaust combustion chamber for dicyanoacetylene and FOOF. The nozzle is channel-wall, but the exhaust of a more modest reaction is between that and the hotter reaction at the core. There is a new heat-proof chaotic carbide that could stir molten steel-from Duke's MURI program under Stefano Curtarolo and Arrigo Calzolari's work on high entropy materials and plasmonics. Use as injectors for an all chemical NSWR type deal.

If you can magnetise the propellant somehow, a magnetic nozzle could still work.

If you can magnetise the propellant somehow, a magnetic nozzle could still work.
FOOF - Dioxygen Difluoride.

FOOOOF - Tetraoxygen Difluoride (for when FOOF isn't suicidal enough).

MURI - ???

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