Hundred Megaton class RV for the R-36?


ACCESS: Restricted
28 January 2010
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I was recently reading a very interesting article published by various sources on the history of the R-36 (SS-18) Satan missile and ran across something very odd. There is brief mention of authorization to construct a hundred megaton version of the RDS-250 built into an RV,but like the work done by the 15th directorate on Biological and Chemical RVs the record goes cold after 1962. I would be inclined to believe it was a Soviet Misinformation program to scare the DoD, however there was a mod put out for the R-36 that carried a twenty megaton RV for the destruction of western intelligence satellite patterns, so it is within logic. consider also the secrecy surrounding Soviet RVs, especially high yield versions and the experience they had with putting large weapons into orbit. Also consider the soviet obsession with single high yield missles over MIRV versions. Another curious thing i found was in the demonstrater video for the brand new RS-24, the missile is seen in its 3rd stage with a single large "100 megaton" warhead attached. this video was most definately professionaly doneand the Russian ministry of defense has been anything but forthcoming with information regarding its warheads(aside from making it a clear point to state it is Fusion based). Its a shot in the dark but i was wondering if someone out there could shed a little more light on this, perhaps a cancellation date or a test of an abnormally large RV somewhere in Soviet archives. it would be greatly appriciated.
I realize now i should have posted this under Missile Tech, but did not see it in time :) it is also, in some aspects, a theoretical project considering no tangible proof has been put forward to support it.
you can leave it in theoretical project

the 100 MT Warhead (around 25 tons heavy) was for UR-500 ICBM
this ICBM became later the Proton rocket

the R-36 (SS-18) Satan has to launch a 25 tons heavy warhead ?
that must be a Soviet Misinformation program

on Biological RVs
in end of 1980s the USSR had a study for replace the Nuclear Warheads
for Biological RVs with anthrax spore
"Biohazard: The Chilling True Story of the Largest Covert Biological Weapons Program in the World Trade From the Inside by the Man Who Ran It"
by Ken Alibek and K Handelman
ISBN 0-385-33496-6.
Thank you for the insight. much apriciated. anybody have any idea why a single large RV was incorporated into the technology demonstration video for the RS-24? perhaps uneducated on the MIRV nature on the program? it seems to be very well rendered and not by any means a novice made video.

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