How to use the new Carrier if F35 cancelled......

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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Given that we are stuck with at least one of the new carriers, and possibly two,I was wondering if there were better uses for them than schlepping around a few dodgy F35s and whatever helicopters the forces have at the time.

On the positive side, the new ship will have a large amount of flat deck space which will make it a very large helicopter carrier for a Commando unit, but this seems an expensive and not often used capacity.

The US has developed and I assume we have as well perfectly servicable unmanned aircraft. With all the space on deck the new CV would seem an ideal first unmanned aircraft carrier. This would have the added advantage of rendering the RAF/RN user battle irrelevent. They would all be techies!

Another use for parts of the deck and spaces underneath would be as a cruise missile/bombardment/large scale sam silo carrier. Loads of lovely containers with missiles (they could be controlled by T45s and T26s as necessary.

If of course Scotland goes indpendent we could just leave the Carrier there! Or if we get stuck with it, turn it into
a) a mother ship for the Trident fleet. Instead of being based in Devonport or Poole Harbour, the two in service ships could pick up supplies and personel from the CV without ever docking.
b) Floating Houses of Parliament. Shove all our politicians on the CV and let it cruise round the country.

Oh dear the orderlies are coming with my medicine....
There might be some relatively affordable V/STOL UCAVs from various foreign sources over the next few years?
Alternatively, you could always turn it into an arsenal ship:,12578.0.html

Or, turn it into a surface ship alternative to procuring next generation boomers (I'm sure the Liberal Democrats for one would love that).
If the UK decides to not order production F-35s then perhaps a useful role for these ships is as floating psych wards for all the F-35 deniers who can’t reconcile the aircraft entering service with their fevered opposition to the program.

The only problem with this idea is who to name the ships for? Psychiatric Hospital Ships Goon, Wheeler, Sweetman, Kopp...
Abraham Gubler said:
If the UK decides to not order production F-35s then perhaps a useful role for these ships is as floating psych wards for all the F-35 deniers who can’t reconcile the aircraft entering service with their fevered opposition to the program.

The only problem with this idea is who to name the ships for? Psychiatric Hospital Ships Goon, Wheeler, Sweetman, Kopp...

Prison hulks moored in the tide went out years ago,
& mental patient/facility de-institutionalisation has been in for decades..

Just give 'em a camera to point at the sky & let 'em wander about muttering..
After a while wanderin' - they can go down to the local library & get on a computer to haunt a forum..
Casino - already done by the Chinese with some ex Kiev or Minsk Soviet carriers.
The Chinese, then - perhaps they would be happy to buy them. If the USSR did it, why not UK ?
given that the chinese really want large carriers, It might really happen...
Or perhaps sell it at bargain price to France, how ironic would that be since my country made a deal with UK to build them only to cancell it 5 years later. "Retour a l'envoyeur" as we say in French
I like the idea of an arsenal ship with a shitload of cruise missiles.


42? Roll dem bones.. jest look out for 'snake eyes'..
Triton said:
I wonder if Japan might want both Queen Elizabeth-class carriers as "helicopter destroyers" along with the F-35Bs.

Perhaps rename one Empress Toshi?

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