how to remove pinterest from google search results ?


Senior Member
6 June 2006
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As title says. In 15 years of (avid) google search queries related with aerospace, I've never seen such a giant piece of rotten shit as pinterest.
PITArest would be a more appropriate name, really.

Does anybody knows about a simple trick to get ride of that herpes plaguing google searches ? I just can't stand it anymore. :mad:
I've had this same issue, it seems like they are manipulating googles search algo so their results are so prevalent as well.

There are a couple of ways to do it without creating a script.

First is through your google account, instructions -

The other way is through a search operator, for example "heinkel 111" where the url after "-site:" will be excluded
sienar said:
I've had this same issue, it seems like they are manipulating googles search algo so their results are so prevalent as well.

There are a couple of ways to do it without creating a script.

First is through your google account, instructions -

The other way is through a search operator, for example "heinkel 111" where the url after "-site:" will be excluded

Wunderbar ! That was the kind of trick I needed. Thank you all folks. You are great.
Something to consider is that any 'pinned' image from a website is cached, meaning if the website goes down it is partly saved.
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