How to land a Airplane on small rooftop Helipad

Impressive but suicidal. I don't like it perso.

Copycats will now certainly fall down from your next higher roof.
Brings to mind article in one of the 1970s magazines Dad got of I forget which title, but the article itself was about Fieseler Storch and subtitled "So slow it could land backwards on an outhouse roof"

Ya know ...

Wonder what Google might find ...

AHA! :)
I am now a happy camper.
(Which brings to mind the Pietenpol Air Camper but that's another topic)

Pirep by Budd Davisson
Air Progress, April, 1972
Photos: Budd Davisson unless otherwise indicated.
Dirty (aeronautically and historically), slow (it'll land backwards on an outhouse roof), and rare (try to find one), the Fieseler Storch shows how to walk on air

The link showed the take-off. He trailed smoke.

Didn’t even drag the tail-wheel

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