How about this 6th Generation Fighter?


TU Delft AE student
14 June 2012
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It is a long range stealth fighter-bomber with downward arched wings, a slim cockpit section, lifting body, thrust vectoring engines, and the f-35 sensor+laser guiding integrated pod, and room for five jdams and two Amraams.


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Nice, but for a "6th generation" concept it has echoes of the would-be "F-19" designs of the early 1980s...
When you say it has a "slim" cockpit, what do you mean exactly? The canopy actually looks a bit wide compared to those of other fighters.

Perhaps you should look more into integrating "planform alignment" on this design for better stealth.

Also, how does it control yaw (especially if one of the engines went out)?
Kryptid said:
When you say it has a "slim" cockpit, what do you mean exactly? The canopy actually looks a bit wide compared to those of other fighters.

Perhaps you should look more into integrating "planform alignment" on this design for better stealth.

Also, how does it control yaw (especially if one of the engines went out)?

1: From a side view slim, the canopy of the f-22 and f-35 are quite big and high which drastically increase drag. But it does ( the canopy of the f-35 and f-22) give the pilot a better ground view. I made it lower and with the camera's, sensors etc in the nose of the cockpit and the cueing helmet the view would be safeguarded. But i guess I will raise the canopy height to increase view.

2: I'm using radarabsorbing materials and the design uses round forms to distort the waves rather than reflect them. I could use it but i think i can get the stealth effect on this way as well.

3: To control the yaw normally the engines would be used in flight, but at lower speeds the outer flaperons can be split just like the b-2's, also making them usable for the role of spoiler.

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