Holy Grail in a secret crypt under a river in Hounslow??


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
4 June 2006
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OK, so the Sun is reporting that an amateur archaeologist thinks the Holy Grail is in a secret crypt under a river in Hounslow.....

An amateur archaeologist believes he has located the Holy Grail — at a secret crypt under a river in Hounslow.

Barrie-Jon Bower, 40, is convinced the cup Jesus Christ drank from at the Last Supper has been hidden in suburban West London.

He has enlisted the help of the Environment Agency, which has agreed to divert the river so the bed can be surveyed with specialist equipment.

Today the would-be Indiana Jones was at the site doing preparatory work. He said of the mysterious goblet, sought after for more than 2,000 years: “When I find it, it’s going to be one of the greatest finds in history — the biggest discovery of mankind.

“Now I’ve been in the water it’s made me more certain. It feels hollow. It feels right. There’s something underneath. Why not Hounslow?”

Mr Bower, who is currently unemployed, has spent years studying the Grail’s links to the Knights Templar, an order of warrior monks.

He claims some trained on Hounslow Heath before their trips to the Holy Lands, and they built a secret crypt to hide relics seized in the Crusades.

Its entrance, he maintains, was later deliberately hidden near a weir at the man-made Duke of Northumberland’s River.

He has now invested £1,000 in hired specialist geophysical equipment to scour the ground once it is drained, hopefully early next year.

Mr Bower, of Cinderford, Gloucs, told The Sun: “Finally I am certain this is the right spot. I am certain there will be a vault beneath the surface, with the Grail inside and other treasures from the Crusades.

“I can’t wait to get started. There are some other reasons as to why I think the Holy Grail is here which I don’t want to reveal. I don’t want rival hunters to get that information. It needs to stay secret. All will be revealed.”

A scheduled visit from the Environment Agency was postponed today because of bad weather.

A spokesman said: “We are willing to review Mr Bower’s request and see if we are able to support him at another time. We have a statutory role to ensure that any works carried out on a Main River are done in a way that does not cause environmental damage or pose a flood risk.”
These stories always irk me because there was never such thing as the Holy Grail, at least as its commonly described in popular mythology. It was a medieval legend with no basis in early Christian sources (and that's leaving alone the, uh, let's say "divisive" question of whether or not you believe the events of the New Testament took place as described in the Gospels).
OK, so the Sun is reporting that an amateur archaeologist thinks the Holy Grail is in a secret crypt under a river in Hounslow.....

An amateur archaeologist believes he has located the Holy Grail — at a secret crypt under a river in Hounslow.

Wait. How did that "Corvette-sized" cutaway model of the "Orion Battleship" get from Vandenburg to Britain???
OK, so the Sun is reporting that an amateur archaeologist thinks the Holy Grail is in a secret crypt under a river in Hounslow.....

An amateur archaeologist believes he has located the Holy Grail — at a secret crypt under a river in Hounslow.

Barrie-Jon Bower, 40, is convinced the cup Jesus Christ drank from at the Last Supper has been hidden in suburban West London.

He has enlisted the help of the Environment Agency, which has agreed to divert the river so the bed can be surveyed with specialist equipment.

Today the would-be Indiana Jones was at the site doing preparatory work. He said of the mysterious goblet, sought after for more than 2,000 years: “When I find it, it’s going to be one of the greatest finds in history — the biggest discovery of mankind.

“Now I’ve been in the water it’s made me more certain. It feels hollow. It feels right. There’s something underneath. Why not Hounslow?”

Mr Bower, who is currently unemployed, has spent years studying the Grail’s links to the Knights Templar, an order of warrior monks.

He claims some trained on Hounslow Heath before their trips to the Holy Lands, and they built a secret crypt to hide relics seized in the Crusades.

Its entrance, he maintains, was later deliberately hidden near a weir at the man-made Duke of Northumberland’s River.

He has now invested £1,000 in hired specialist geophysical equipment to scour the ground once it is drained, hopefully early next year.

Mr Bower, of Cinderford, Gloucs, told The Sun: “Finally I am certain this is the right spot. I am certain there will be a vault beneath the surface, with the Grail inside and other treasures from the Crusades.

“I can’t wait to get started. There are some other reasons as to why I think the Holy Grail is here which I don’t want to reveal. I don’t want rival hunters to get that information. It needs to stay secret. All will be revealed.”

A scheduled visit from the Environment Agency was postponed today because of bad weather.

A spokesman said: “We are willing to review Mr Bower’s request and see if we are able to support him at another time. We have a statutory role to ensure that any works carried out on a Main River are done in a way that does not cause environmental damage or pose a flood risk.”
Psst, don't tell anyone but underneath the Grail crypt is another secret vault containing an entire squadron's worth of brand-new Spitfires, still in their shipping crates. Remember, you heard it here first!
Let me tell you a secret, there are many crypts in the same area, each crypt has a different theme. One of them has , no I'm sorry, I cannot say. They would shoot me, probably full of very recreational chemicals and allow me to stay at her Maj's favourite soft wallpaper hotel........
So a meal with drinks in the Levant during the Roman Empire, is as likely to be served in either a ceramic or a glass cup.
It's not going to be a metal chalice that's for sure.

Either said cup was then broken and tossed in a midden or if glass recycled.
So it's quite possible someones window or glass cabinet has recycled 'Grail' in it or it's powdered ceramic was mixed up with gravel and cements some bricks together.
It is after all, supposed to be the cup of a carpenter and not a king.
It is after all, supposed to be the cup of a carpenter and not a king.
It's a cup used in an Inn if I recall my bible. But certainly not a fancy cup, just your bog standard sort, heavily used by customers until it broke or didn't match anything.
As someone elsewhere pointed out 'I hope he remembers to spell Jehovah with an I'

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