HMSO / Air Historical Branch Books

JFC Fuller

ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
22 April 2012
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This is both a request and a review.

I have over the last year managed to get my hands on 2 books which came from the HMSO, they were;

Watching the Skys: The History of Ground Radar in the Air Defence if the United Kingdom by Jack Gough

RAF Nuclear Deterrent Forces by Humphrey Wynn

Both books are outstanding, they provide a level of detail and information that I have not seen on either subject before. The level of research that went into both is incredible and they put a number of much more recent and feted books to shame. The manner in which they link technological development, procurement, strategic policy and economy into a common narrative is seldom seen in British Aviation history works. I would not hesitate to recommend both books to everyone here with an interest in either subject.

My query is, does anyone know of any other books from this, or similar sources, I am aware that Humphrey Wynn produced a book about Transport command that is currently on my wish list, but I am also intrigued as to whether such a book was produced about Fighter Command or RAF Germany. Or for that matter either of the other two services?

Thank you in advance, sealordlawrence.
See the full list of titles on the RAF/AHB Official Histories web page:

Of the post-war titles I preferred Lee's books, if only because they gave operational perspectives that I know little about. The Wynn books are also excellent. The Gough book seemed fine, but I could never get that interested in ground radar personally so won't venture an opinion. The other post war titles I left on the library shelf, which probably says more about me than them!

I am not aware of equivalent openly published official histories from the Royal Navy or Army. The Naval Historical Branch have always been more open than the AHB in my experience, which may explain why they do not feel the need to write their own official histories, although they (and the Army HB) do/did write internal histories for officer training etc.. For the RN Eric Grove's From Vanguard to Trident is similar in covering policy, procurement etc. to the RAF titles. The Army Historical Branch is now known as Corporate Memory (Analysis) branch. Which sounds like utter w*nk!

Thank you for the link, I had been unable to find that page! Shame they have not done one about Fighter command post 1945.

I have a bit of a thing about Avionics, Systems and Seonsors and will vouch for Watching the Skys. Certainly the best book on the subject that I have come across so far.
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"Harriers" post is very useful (thanks).

Another source (for the rich) are MLRS (Military Library Research Services) books. They supply re-prints of official documents (mostly from the PRO or RAF Museum. These ARE re-prints (books printed from scans of the documents) of the actual documents so are of variable quality. I have found them varying from "as good as new" through to "legible but a little hard on the eyes". I'm a happy customer knowing that.

Their website has a huge list, which can be a little difficult to work through, but there are some gems there. Please see ;

and more especially ;


They have announced that they are adding a large number of extra titles during the coming week, so it might be worth looking at again next weekend.

(the usual disclaimer - I have no connection with the company other than as a customer)


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