HMS Invincible for sale...

overscan (PaulMM)

Staff member
27 December 2005
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FutureSpaceTourist said:
".....low mileage or one careful owner..."

My dear sir, you have my word as a used vessel salesman. Only one previous owner, and that was a little old lady who used it only to go to church on Sundays ;D

Regards & all,

Thomas L. Nielsen
BAROBA said:
No engines? ...

And the generators don't work either. Why are they phasing Vinnie out just when she's on the verge of achieving stealth perfection?
Here is a perfectly fine Aircraftcarrier without any means of propulsion?
/tinfoil hat on
Maybe it didn't need propulsion.... as we know it .....
/tinfoil hat off

Now some nutters go through the roof, evidence that the Brits had their own Philadelphia-experiment :p
Yes. That's the official "Crazy Liz's Government Surplus Everything Must Go!" website where you can buy all the stuff the Uk doesn't want anymore. And the Uk doesn't want to have a meaningful Navy anymore, so they're selling a couple of boats. Gotta do *something* with 'em; breaking the carrier up for scrap is probably not somethign the Uk has much experience at anymore, as all that seems to be done in India and other places where environmental standards are a tad lower.

They could of course sink it and make an artificial reef out of it. The US Navy did that with a carrier a few years back.
Winston Churchill, Louis Mountbatten and many other must be turning, rotating, spinning and facepalming in their graves. :(

An artificial reef wouldn't be too bad though. Maybe it could increase fish around the North Sea, to the betterment of the British fishing industry. :p

Thanks Scott.
A sad end (but maybe better than becoming a 'casino'!). The picture is a few months old - probably all gone by now. From:

Orionblamblam said:
Huh. I figured it would've been broken in India, but they did it in Turkey. Not as far to tow it, I guess.

Plus with all the hoo rah over that French carrier doing the breaking where they use crusty old men, cranes and blow torches instead of starving pre teens with ropes and chisels saves a lot of media and bleeding heart back lash.
Very sad :'(
Just think she was almost HMAS Invincible :'(

I guess it either the politician way of ensuring she can not be called back into service?
or is it the RN's brass way of ensuring it has to replace it's carriers?

It is just the way the UK MoD works, very little is kept in storage and once stuff is on the disposal list it is usually gone very quickly unless there is some indication that it may have second hand value. Stuff kept mothballed or in storage just eats into the Departmental Expenditure Limit for both the physical cost of keeping it and the Cost of Capital Charge for no gain so it has to go.
DAMN FOOLS. That was the perfect museum ship sitting RIGHT THERE and you blew it.

At least it wasn't sold to the Argentinians for breaking. That would have sucked.
Why are there no eccentric billionaires these days? I'd buy it and host parties onboard after cruising around on my Sea Shadow yacht.
You've obviously never been to Newcastle. We only got rid of MV Tuxedo Princess (or was it Junction, I was verr verr drunk) last year.

sealordlawrence said:
It is just the way the UK MoD works, very little is kept in storage and once stuff is on the disposal list it is usually gone very quickly unless there is some indication that it may have second hand value. Stuff kept mothballed or in storage just eats into the Departmental Expenditure Limit for both the physical cost of keeping it and the Cost of Capital Charge for no gain so it has to go.

You should see how often the MOD buys the same kit over and over and over - there's probably vehicles they have sold and repurchased 5 times in 15 years
If there was any sanity left in the MOD after the Blair years, the RN would be operating something like this by now:

That's a cool ship, but give me 100ft more length for a few extra Harriers. Nice to see they gave it missiles.

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