HIFEX - Hypersonic International Flight Experimentation


ACCESS: Secret
12 April 2010
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HIFEX is a joint effort of AFRL and the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) to advance the maturity of enabling technologies for the realization of a next generation hypersonic aerospace system.

What's the difference between this and Blackswift (HTV-3X)? ???
Question for the experts, the aritcle linked to says "engine unstarts" were tested:

As part of the HIFEX test, the effects of engine unstart on stability and aerodynamic heating of a complex hypersonic vehicle design were evaluated during the wind tunnel test prior to flight experimentation.

Does that mean there were engines? Is this a maturation of the TBCC concept?

My favorite part, however is this:

Dolvin explained hypersonic aerospace systems may enable a full spectrum aerospace force with the capability to perform seamless operations that transcend the continuum of air and space domains. Transformational missions currently envisioned include prompt call up and global reach, responsive precision strike and flexible maneuver through anti-access aerial denied regions.
bobbymike said:
Question for the experts, the aritcle linked to says "engine unstarts" were tested:
Does that mean there were engines?

*Probably* not. Most likely there were simply valves or high pressure gas jets in the inlet/exhaust that simulated engine performance and unstart.
DSE said:
sferrin said:
What's the difference between this and Blackswift (HTV-3X)? ???

No DARPA involvement?

I meant with the vehicle. It's a dead-ringer for the HTV-3X Blackswift. (The original one anyway. 1st below.)


  • HTV-3Xa.jpg
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  • Hypersonic aircraft.jpg
    Hypersonic aircraft.jpg
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DSE said:
Ian33 said:
Huge hi res pic at link. Sure Lockheed are not sat back in the shadows on this one?

And without the model:

You misspelled "engineer"...

Inna Kurits, Arnold Engineering Development Complex (AEDC) Tunnel 9 test engineer, checks the Air Force HiFEX vehicle geometry for final readiness before being tested in the AEDC Hypervelocity Wind Tunnel 9.
Jeb said:
DSE said:
Ian33 said:
Huge hi res pic at link. Sure Lockheed are not sat back in the shadows on this one?

And without the model:

You misspelled "engineer"...

Inna Kurits, Arnold Engineering Development Complex (AEDC) Tunnel 9 test engineer, checks the Air Force HiFEX vehicle geometry for final readiness before being tested in the AEDC Hypervelocity Wind Tunnel 9.

He spelled it fine. In this case it was function not profession.
sferrin said:
Jeb said:
DSE said:
Ian33 said:
Huge hi res pic at link. Sure Lockheed are not sat back in the shadows on this one?

And without the model:

You misspelled "engineer"...

Inna Kurits, Arnold Engineering Development Complex (AEDC) Tunnel 9 test engineer, checks the Air Force HiFEX vehicle geometry for final readiness before being tested in the AEDC Hypervelocity Wind Tunnel 9.

He spelled it fine. In this case it was function not profession.

Fair enough. I grew up with the kids of several AEDC engineers & doubt any of them would have been labeled "models", though.
Jeb said:
I grew up with the kids of several AEDC engineers & doubt any of them would have been labeled "models", though.

Hi, I'm Far Less Attractive Rob Lowe and I can confirm that engineers tend to not be the most supermodelerific lot. However, it's not universal. There are some...
Orionblamblam said:
Jeb said:
I grew up with the kids of several AEDC engineers & doubt any of them would have been labeled "models", though.

Hi, I'm Far Less Attractive Rob Lowe and I can confirm that engineers tend to not be the most supermodelerific lot. However, it's not universal. There are some...

Then again it ain't a real high bar. :D
Orionblamblam said:
Jeb said:
I grew up with the kids of several AEDC engineers & doubt any of them would have been labeled "models", though.

Hi, I'm Far Less Attractive Rob Lowe and I can confirm that engineers tend to not be the most supermodelerific lot. However, it's not universal. There are some...

I don't know I watch a lot of movies and the female PhD Scientist/Super Inventor/Researcher are usually 9/10's at least.
bobbymike said:
I don't know I watch a lot of movies and the female PhD Scientist/Super Inventor/Researcher are usually 9/10's at least.

I've seen quite a number of really quite attractive female engineers. Male engineers... well, we tend to be a homely lot.
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