Heston Aircraft Corp.

Jan den Das

ACCESS: Secret
27 December 2008
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Is it possible that around the Phoenix period there were 2 airliner projects with Heston?
I am looking for all kind information concerning these projects.
Is it possible that the Phoenix was one of these projects as a small airliner.
Who can help me with all kind of information?

If someone has any information/materials concerning other pre war projects please show it.

Hi Jan,

what is your source about this Info ?,and do you know that the Heston Corp.
built anther two light aircraft,but they were not from its creation,and they are;

Hordern-Richmond Autoplane
Youngman-Baynes High Lift

also it had two series,the JC and JA,and the JA.1 was light aircraft and the JA.4 was a
communication aircraft.
Hi Hesham

Somebody told me, but he was not sure, it could also be Comper designs (the airliners)

Hi Jan,

you didn't told us about the source of those Projects,and maybe it they existed in mid-1930s,
it could be allocated from JC.2 to JC.4 ?.

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