Henschel Hs P.87 bomber


Don't laugh, don't cry, don't even curse, but.....
31 May 2007
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I can't find engine exhaust nozzle in this drawing and model. Ram air intake is only one.?
Turbo charged engine? ???



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This drawing has engine exhaust nozzle.
Nozzle position is little strange?



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Why is this terrible situation? You point contradiction out to Japanese variously, and is the German engineer fine? Could you be confronted with pioneer's great achievement seriously more? I hope this for an engineer of Daimler-Benz in particular. :(
I would expect the exhausts shown in blackkite's second posting to be on the bottom, rather than the top, of the airframe since the engine was a DB610, consisting of a coupled pair of DB605 engines since these are inverted-V engines. The fore-and-aft location appears correct as does the spacing for the four sets of exhaust stacks (picture shows two sets side-by-side on the aircraft centerline with one set off to each side).
Here's my contribution:


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Super Justo-san. Thanks a lot as usual. If possible please show me your image for P.87.:D
I add some DB610 images for easy understanding. ;)
How about all exhaust pipe head downward?
Does exhaust pipe interfere with landing gear?


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Next books
-"Axis Suicide Squads : German and Japanese Secret Projects of the Second World War" ...sent to editor
-"Focke Wulf Jet Fighters" ...writting
-"Enemy at the Gates: Panic Fighters of the Second World War"... research and some drawings
-"Fighters of the Dying Sun: The most Advanced Japanese Fighters of the Second World War"... research and some drawings
Oh thanks!!Title is good. ;D
Justo Miranda said:
Next books
-"Axis Suicide Squads : German and Japanese Secret Projects of the Second World War" ...sent to editor
-"Focke Wulf Jet Fighters" ...writting
-"Enemy at the Gates: Panic Fighters of the Second World War"... research and some drawings
-"Fighters of the Dying Sun: The most Advanced Japanese Fighters of the Second World War"... research and some drawings

Wow - those all sound fantastic - can't wait to bulk out the Justo Miranda section of my bookshelf!

On a P.87 related note, I do wonder whether anyone actually has an original and authentic drawing of it.
Oh wind tunnel test model!! I can't understand front view. ???
Only one ram air intake in actual model drawing. :eek:
Fixed radiator is very small.
Justo Miranda said:
I have nothing better :-\

I think wind tunnel model drawings are probably about as good as it gets - same as the Henschel P.90.
I think there is a possibility that it's not a radiator, it's a oil cooler.
Vertical stabilizer is located wing tip.
I'm looking for the correct position of the DB 610 and its exhausts in the Hs P.87
(Können sie mir helfen, betreff Hs P87,genauer Sitz des DB 610 und dessen Auspuffhutzen?)
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[QUOTE = "Ud262, Beitrag: 357766, Mitglied: 14536"]
Ich suche nach der richtigen Position des DB 610 und seiner Auspuffanlagen in der Hs S.87
(Können Sie mir helfen, bzgl. Ihres P87, genauer Sitz des DB 610 und dessen Auspuffhutzen?)
[QUOTE = "Blackkite, Beitrag: 280658, Mitglied: 661"]
Diese Zeichnung hat Motorauslassdüse.
Düsenposition ist wenig seltsam?
In this drawing an exhaust is shown, but its position is a bit strange, isn't it ?

My long sought-after variant is the one, with the engine turned 180° and positioned further forward in the fuselage (frontal picture of the engine turned around). The two
dorsal air scoops for the turbo charger makes sense there. Would a narrower intake be completely implausible ? Beneath the fuselage, there's only the oil cooler. All four rows
of exhausts are on the upperside, because on the underside, theer's no room due to the oil cooler. On the upperside, there are two red marked walkways for mechanics and exactly between them are the access panels, recognisable by the locks (typical for Luftwaffe aircraft) ! Well reproduced by Planet Models. On some "models", there's a fin under
the tail, plausible for safeguarding the props ? Don't really like it ...
But many thanks to all participants on this theme. Thank you ! Thank you !
Just a clue: I'm fitting magnets to all my models, this allows attaching different pylons and weapons loads for photos, etc.

(Meiner langgehegten Variante ist auch dies, wo der Motor um 180 Grad gedreht und weiter vorn im Rumpf eingebaut worden sein könnte. (Das Bild des Motors von vorne gesehen umdrehen). Die 2 obenliegenden Lufteinlässe für die Turbolader machen da auch Sinn. Ein schmaler Einlass ist völliger Unsinn? Unterhalb am Rumpf sitzt nur der eine Ölkühler. Alle 4 Auspuffreihen liegen oben da durch den Ölkühler kein Platz wäre. Auf der Oberseite des Rumpfes befinden sich 2 rotmarkierte Laufflächen für die Mechaniker. Und genau dazwischen liegen die Wartungsklappen, an den Schlössern erkennbar! (Typisch für alle Luftwaffen FLZ.) Von Planet Models gut wiedergegeben. An manchen "Modellen" sieht man hinten unterm Rumpf eine Heckflosse. Macht Sinn für den Schutz der Rotoren bei Start und Landung! ? Gefällt mir aber nicht wirklich. The here in the forum of the images and drawings has also schon recherchiert. Aber ich möchte hier allen Beteiligten für das Thema. Danke, Danke. Kleiner Tipp: Ich versehe alle meine Modelle mit Magneten, also kann ich sie mit unterschiedlichen Pylonen und Waffenvarianten für Fotos usw. ausstatten.)


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So engines were cooled by skin cooler?

”The two dorsal air scoops for the turbo charger makes sense there." is mistake. "for the supercharger" is correct.
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Hello Ud262,

being a native German speaker myself, your posts so far are definitely interesting, constructive and thoughtful, but since this is a United Kingdom hosted forum, and English is the lingua franca of aerospace, I do believe there really is no need for or value in adding German translations to all your already well phrased statements and observations worded in English. If every forum member that is a non native English speaker consistently followed your approach (perhaps even in their own non Roman alphabet), it would clutter up the forum pretty quickly and make it much less user friendly, as well as eat up limited storage capacity by unnecessarily duplicating information. As an engineer, I've always been impressed by how English is notably more efficient (and, in my personal view, also more elegant, but that's obviously beside the point here) than German in consistently conveying the same amount of information content in a significantly lower number of characters (i.e. see the analysis in https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/96c1/31983788b04d88aeaebaf927aec922a4e382.pdf, which states that on average German requires 21% more letters than English to express the same thoughts), so, also taking all the existing online translation options into account, as a typically blunt (and proud of it, too!) German, I'd recommend to just stick with English only for making contributions to this forum. But zen again, I'm not ze Forum Polizei, so zere ;).

Alles Gute (I'm a living contradiction, I know),

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