Help me in this pls....


ACCESS: Restricted
31 August 2008
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hello frnds....
Can anyone help me to know how to calculate the thickness of Glass windows (to be mounted on cutout of missile skin) so that it could withstand sufficient pressure & forces acting on it during its flight. Missile is hermetically sealed.

Pls its very urgent....
well i thought this forum will be able to provide me some help..... But i can see people are even not ready to view and just give some hint or help
Your request is too technical for me. I'm sorry but I can't help you.
pankaj_joshee said:
well i thought this forum will be able to provide me some help..... But i can see people are even not ready to view and just give some hint or help

Well, the simple fact is, a window in the side of a missile simply can't be made practical both for flight in the vacuum of space and to survive at 15,000 feet depth under the surface of the ocean while travelling at 2,000 kph.

Or did you perhaps have some other flight conditions in mind? If so, it's a pity that you didn't provide more details. Ah, well, lost opportunities...

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