HAWK replacement


ACCESS: Confidential
13 August 2010
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Do we know anything about Corpsam projects intended for the replacement of HAWK air defense system?Any info?
IHAWK; nobody uses HAWK any more.

"Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS), formerly known as CorpSAM (...)"

IHAWK was kept in service despite being obsolescent (too incapable in face of saturation attacks, and long duration of RF illumination, which makes countermeasures and counterattack much more troublesome) because Patriot had the horrible design fault of being a system with only about 110° coverage - meant for an uninterrupted SAM belt and incapable of proper all-round self-defence. IHAWK was clustered with Patriot to make it less vulnerable.

This combination of SAM systems (fashionable: IADS or cluster) was about to be replaced with MEADS, which at least for the Germans was meant to include IRIS-T SL as short range IR seeker missile component. It is HIGHLY questionable whether MEADS will be produced at all. Germany "selected" it, but purchases were only meant to include a ridiculously small quantity of systems for years, and the U.S. gave up on production and merely met its development obligations.

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