Harry Turtledove not in UK

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
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27 September 2006
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Does anyone know why UK bookshops no longer stock any Harry Turtledove novels?
Odd, in Italy you may find him in Italian edition published by Editrice Nord in all the biggest bookstores (Feltrinelli, Mondadori, Giunti, etc.)
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Some people are probably unimpressed that certain historical political factions viewed as disagreeable are viewed as still existing in his alternate timelines.
Sometimes books just don't get picked up for UK publication even if they are published in the US, and it can only take one poorly performing book for a publisher to decide not to take a risk on even a well-established author.
In Germany two short stories and one essay by Harry Turtledove was translated and publish
no single Novel...
same goes for France and Netherland no translation and publication.
In Germany two short stories and one essay by Harry Turtledove was translated and publish
no single Novel...
same goes for France and Netherland no translation and publication.
Might explain why he's so angry.


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As follows all the Turteldove's novels published in Italy (translated editions):

Invasione anno zero (In the Balance), Del Rey / Ballantine, 1994. Trad. Gianluigi Zuddas, Narrativa Nord 57, Editrice Nord, 1995.
Invasione fase seconda (Tilting the Balance), Del Rey / Ballantine, 1994. Trad. Gianluigi Zuddas, Narrativa Nord 72, Editrice Nord, 1996.
Invasione atto terzo (Upsetting the Balance), Del Rey / Ballantine, 1996. Trad. Gianluigi Zuddas, Narrativa Nord 79, Editrice Nord, 1997.
Invasione atto finale (Striking the Balance), Del Rey / Ballantine, 1996. Trad. Gianluigi Zuddas, Narrativa Nord 89, Editrice Nord, 1997.

Colonizzazione fase 1 (Second Contact), Del Rey / Ballantine, 1999. Trad. Carlo Borriello, Il Libro d'Oro 104, Fanucci Editore, 1998.
Colonizzazione fase 2 (Down to Earth), Del Rey / Ballantine, 2000. Trad. Carlo Borriello, Il Libro d'Oro 123, Fanucci Editore, 2000.
Colonizzazione fase 3 (Aftershocks), Del Rey / Ballantine, 2001. Trad. Carlo Borriello, Il Libro d'Oro 132, Fanucci Editore, 2001.
Colonizzazione fase 4 (Homeward Bound), Del Rey / Ballantine, 2005. Trad. Nello Giugliano, Il Libro d'Oro 151, Fanucci Editore, 2006.

Nell'oscurità (Into the Darkness), Tor Books, 1999. Trad. Carlo Borriello, Il Libro d'Oro 116, Fanucci Editore, 1999.
Scende l'oscurità (Darkness Descending), Tor Books, 2000. Trad. Elena Gigliozzi, Il Libro d'Oro 128, Fanucci Editore, 2001.
Attraverso l'oscurità (Through the Darkness), Tor Books, 2001. Trad. Elena Gigliozzi, Il Libro d'Oro 135, Fanucci Editore, 2002.
I signori dell'oscurità (Rulers of the Darkness), Tor Books, 2002. Trad. Gloria Pastorino, Il Libro d'Oro 140, Fanucci Editore, 2003.
Le fauci dell'oscurità (Jaws of the Darkness), Tor Books, 2003. Trad. Gloria Pastorino, Il Libro d'Oro 143, Fanucci Editore, 2004.
La fine dell'oscurità (Out of the Darkness), Tor Books, 2004. Trad. Raffaella De Dominicis, Il Libro d'Oro 149, Fanucci Editore, 2005.

Guerre imperiali (Gunpowder Empire), Tor Books, 2003. Trad. Simone Buttazzi, Valis 1, Hobby & Work Publishing, maggio 2006.
L'ultimo Reich (Curious Notions), Tor Books, 2004. Trad. Simone Buttazzi, Valis 5, Hobby & Work Publishing, marzo 2007.

Missione su Minerva (A World of Difference), Del Rey / Ballantine, 1990. Trad. Carlo Borriello, Economica Tascabile 2ª serie n. 3, Fanucci Editore, 2000.
Dramma nelle Terrefonde (Down in the Bottomlands), Analog Science Fiction and Fact gennaio 1993. Trad. Enzo Verrengia, Analog Fantascienza 3, Phoenix Enterprise Publishing Company, inverno 1995.
Per il trono d'Inghilterra (Ruled Britannia), New American Library, 2002. Trad. Diego Ramanzini, Narrativa Nord 177, Editrice Nord, 2003.
In presenza del nemico (In the Presence of Mine Enemies), New American Library, 2003. Trad. Fabio Grano, Il Libro d'Oro 147, Fanucci Editore, 2005.
La battaglia di Teutoburgo (Give Me Back My Legions!), St. Martin's Press, 2009. Trad. Maurizio Nati, Gli Aceri 4, Fanucci Editore, 2009.

La legione perduta (The Misplaced Legion), Del Rey / Ballantine, 1987. Trad. Annarita Guarnieri, Fantacollana 85, Editrice Nord, 1989.
Un imperatore per la legione (An Emperor for the Legion), Del Rey / Ballantine, 1987. Trad. Annarita Guarnieri, Fantacollana 88, Editrice Nord, 1989.
La legione di Videssos (The Legion of Videssos), Del Rey / Ballantine, 1987. Trad. Annarita Guarnieri, Fantacollana 91, Editrice Nord, 1990.
Le daghe della legione (Swords of the Legion), Del Rey / Ballantine, 1987. Trad. Annarita Guarnieri, Fantacollana 94, Editrice Nord, 1990.
L'ascesa di Krispos (Krispos Rising), Del Rey / Ballantine, 1990. Trad. Annarita Guarnieri, Fantacollana 114, Editrice Nord, 1992.
Krispos di Videssos (Krispos of Videssos), Del Rey / Ballantine, 1991. Trad. Annarita Guarnieri, Fantacollana 122, Editrice Nord, 1993.
Krispos l'imperatore (Krispos the Empereor), Del Rey / Ballantine, 1994. Trad. Annarita Guarnieri, Fantacollana 135, Editrice Nord, 1995.
Il trono rubato (The Stolen Throne), Del Rey / Ballantine, 1995. Trad. Bernardo Cicchetti, Il Libro d'Oro 95, Fanucci Editore, 1997.
L'ora della vendetta (Hammer and Anvil), Del Rey / Ballantine, 1996. Trad. Bernardo Cicchetti, Il Libro d'Oro 99, Fanucci Editore, 1997.
Le mille città (The Thousand Cities), Del Rey / Ballantine, 1997. Trad. Bernardo Cicchetti, Il Libro d'Oro 100, Fanucci Editore, 1998.
La città assediata (Videssos Besieged), Del Rey / Ballantine, 1998. Trad. Bernardo Cicchetti, Il Libro d'Oro 109, Fanucci Editore, 1999.

L'impero dei misteri (Agent of Byzantium), Congdon & Weed, 1987; trad. Paola Moraghi
Guerrieri Stellari 2, Alberto Peruzzo Editore, 1989
L'agente di Bisanzio (Agent of Byzantium), Baen Books, 1994; trad. Viviana Viviani, Narrativa Nord 68, Editrice Nord, 1996.
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on Germany publisher
There only two big one that publish Sci-Fi: Heyne and Bastei-Lübbe

Heyne brought from 1979 to 2002, the golden age of Sci-Fi for germany,
Thanks editor Wolfgang Jeschke, who publish up to 80 novels/year
after his retirement 2002, the new Management dump the program.

Turteldove miss here the window of opportunity to be publish by Jeschke.
Sind he became well-known in Sci-fi after 2002

Bastei-Lübbe nowadays has only "Fantasy Literature" in program
a bizarr mixture of Sci-fi, Horror, Fantasy and military Sci-fi novels.
Mostly German authors and David Weber Honor Harrington series.
and Bastei-Lübbe focus what can sell.
here is Turteldove to unknown for the german publisher.

France is Sci-fi in similar mess
Biggest publisher in Sci-fi, Fleuve Noir stop there Sci-fi program
Because new owner not like Sci-fi and focus on Crime novel what he very like...

again Turteldove too unknown for the french publisher.
Who focus on french authors, known American authors wo sell well...
Having tried two of his ?novels?, I have to ponder why on earth anyone would want to publish/read them.

I know, if you like them etc keep going but there seems to be less of a conspiracy and more of an apathy towards the person you mention.
Having tried two of his ?novels?, I have to ponder why on earth anyone would want to publish/read them.
His early stuff was innovative, I particularly like his Agent of Byzantium collection of short stories, set in a world where Mohammed became a Christian saint and Byzantium never fell. But from the 90s on his multi-novel series became more and more turgid.
I get the impressionm he became more political as time went on, which is a darned shame.
I get the impressionm he became more political as time went on, which is a darned shame.
political ?
you have to see Turteldove X-Account !
is total Political, with choice of word, not suitable for children...
The book I got through the most was an alternate scenario where the US civil war enbded with stalemate and both sides simmered over decades.
Very anti USA and hugely disappointing when it came to logic. Hey ho, tunes?
From what I remember, his short stories and novellas were really, really crisp and duly famous.

'Down in the Bottomlands', set in the dry Messinian Med is justifiably famous, as is wry First Contact, 'The Road Not Taken'...

Sadly, his epic 'Alt-Histories' descended unto, nay, beyond 'Victorian' or 'Georgian' degrees of 'Turgid'.
I never got further than excerpts / teaser first-chapters which, for a 'page in few saccades' reader is grim..

Disclosure: His recent SciFi 'Three Miles Down', which looks Stross 'Laundry Territory', is in my Amazon basket, albeit pre-owned...
Guns Of The South was a fun read. I would suggest it to someone. Not spectacular but interesting. 6.5-7/10 Just looked up the controversies. Sounds like he suffered from the common symptoms of Trump derangement syndrome. I disagree with his ideas but the two books I read were alright and would suggest to others.
The book I got through the most was an alternate scenario where the US civil war enbded with stalemate and both sides simmered over decades.
Very anti USA and hugely disappointing when it came to logic. Hey ho, tunes?

I was actually thinking of the Southern Victory series (which this sounds like the start of) as a potential reason for him having been dropped by his UK publishers - an 11 book series in which the UK sides with a Confederacy set on emulating the Nazis (complete with the Final Solution directed at the black populace) and the US and Germany are the good guys of both WWI and WWII? Not guaranteed good sales on this side of the Pond.

(I'm not sure massive series with double figure book counts were ever as popular with UK publishers as US, even without the dubious premise of this one).

Spoiler: The USA wins in the end.
Most of his stuff was published here in Czechia without any problems and he was for the time quite liked. But it seems that the last one was published in 2011. And none of his series was published complete... I liked the Worldwar a lot, and loved the Videssos cycle, altough the translation was often very bad. I'm not exactly drawn to the last batch of the "What if nazis and Confederacy did this instead of this" crap. Also that "world war but fantasy" was dreary. But the Three Miles Downs seems to be fun.

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