Harrier RIP, JSF costs

Demon Lord Razgriz

ACCESS: Confidential
31 October 2008
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Sea Typhoon would be more expensive than the JSF, surprising as that may be. Anywho, if the MoD axes the 2014 JSF purchases, they'll more than likely buy Super Hornets and then several years later, buy used JSFs once the prices comes down.
Demon Lord Razgriz said:
Sea Typhoon would be more expensive than the JSF, surprising as that may be. Anywho, if the MoD axes the 2014 JSF purchases, they'll more than likely buy Super Hornets and then several years later, buy used JSFs once the prices comes down.

One quick note. As a number of analysts, including Loren Thompson of the well-respected Lexington Institute, point out, that actual cost of the F-35 is nowhere near the hysterical estimated numbers being quoted in the general, and sometimes defense, press. Those estimated numbers are based on historical data from the F/A-18 and F-22 programs and other older programs and how much they truly overran, and are based upon assumptions about the future that are unknowable. The estimated prices generally quoted assume that the F-35 will experience overruns as much as they did, or larger. The test program is going too slowly, true, and that increases cost, as does the constant cutback in quantity (this can create a self-fulfilling prophecy). However, those estimates are not what the Pentagon actually uses when negotiating for each Lot, those starting point numbers are much less and the price being paid is coming in less than that. For example, it looks like the price that will be paid for this year's buy will be 27-30 or so % less than what the estimates predicted it would be at this point. It looks like F-35A unit recurring flyaway costs will be about what is paid for a late model F-16 or F/A-18E/F.

More on this probably belongs over on the F-35 forum.
Without going too far off topic, or outside the scope of the forum the axe has fallen. 49 years and 11 months since the P1127 first flew, the Harrier is being axed from the British armoroury (is this the longest serving British militray Aircraft?). Let's hope that they allow flight for another month so the Harrier can bow out at 50! And in an unusual surprise, HMS Prince of Wales is to be CATABAR equipped...
danielgrimes said:
Without going too far off topic, or outside the scope of the forum the axe has fallen.

What do you mean "without" you have to both. Do the right thing and delete your post and leave this kind of talk to the bar where it belongs.
danielgrimes said:
Without going too far off topic, or outside the scope of the forum the axe has fallen. 49 years and 11 months since the P1127 first flew, the Harrier is being axed from the British armoroury (is this the longest serving British militray Aircraft?).

that's The English Electric Canberra, with 57 years after its first flight.

why is this story reminded me of the BAC TSR-2 / GD F-111K Fiasco ?
i have a ood presentiment that Harrier gona beat Canberra record in 2018...
There's a Facebook group aimed at saving the Harrier:


Good luck with that!

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