Handley-Page future bomber concept 1936


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19 October 2012
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From Handley-Page's in-house magazine and reported in Flight 13th May 1936. Obviously no more than artistic speculation as new designs would not appear in a magazine. It lacks any of the typical HP characteristics of that era and Flight are wrong to say that it was somewhat similar to the HP53; wing and tail are completely different. I wonder if with, say, two Merlins it could it have been a useful high-speed medium bomber?


  • Flight 14th May 36.jpg
    Flight 14th May 36.jpg
    74.2 KB · Views: 321
Nice find Schneiderman,

and here is the direct link;

Only my speculation, but given the Stockholm background of the Flight article, I wonder if this was a H.P.53 development for Sweden (I mean the initial 1935 H.P.53 design for Sweden rather than the Hereford design it became).
I wondered that at first but Flight for 21st May 1936 shows a model of the HP.53 with Swedish military officials. Its pretty much the Hereford. I guess the artwork is just a company artist indulging in speculation


  • Flight 21st May 1936.jpg
    Flight 21st May 1936.jpg
    54.4 KB · Views: 218
The radial-engined version was called H.P Hampden and was produced in significant numbers during WW 2. Too bad it was obsolete for most missions except anti-submarine patrol.
My father flew a Hampden and back. So not totally obsolete.
And it was well suited to minelaying.

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