Hütter Interceptor Fagott

In late 1943, flight tests of the Messerschmitt Me 328 V3 carried on a bomber Dornier Do 217 E-3 in Mistelschlepp configuration, started in Hörschling-Linz airfield. The plane was the prototype of the future Me 328 A pulsejet fighter.

At an altitude of 5,500 meters the carrier plane started a shallow dive to facilitate ignition of the two experimental pulsejets Argus VSR-7 attached to both sides of the fuselage of the prototype. After launch, the pilot verified that the engines lost thrust quickly and were unable to maintain the flight altitude of the Me 328 V3 until coming down to 2,700 meters when the engines returned to normal thrust.

Subsequent tests showed that this type of engines were useful only when the plane was flying at relatively low altitudes and speeds and the RLM concluded that the Me 328 could not be used as a fighter. Accordingly, the new series of pulsejets VSR-9a was assigned to the Fieseler firm to power the V-1 missiles. When the results of the tests were known, the OKL decided to cancel the Miniaturjäger competition in December 1944.

Argus As 044

This pulsejet was designed in 1944 as a scaled-up version of the As 014 but its development was interrupted by the enormous workload
involved in the V-1 project.​

Its performance at altitude was estimated as poor and the ground attack role was considered, but the low flying altitude and insufficient speed making the future Slachtflugzeug planes vulnerable to the Allied fighters and to the radar-controlled antiaircraft artillery.

The Hütter project powered by two As 044s would need 1,766 liters of fuel for a 20-minute flight.

Fuel needed for 20 minutes endurance:

-With one As 014, 586 liters

-With two As 014, 1,173 liters.

-With one As 044, 883 liters.

-With two As 044, 1,766 liters.

The combat range and service ceiling of the model was considered unacceptable by Technisches Amt and the proposal was dropped.

The project was rejected because at that time the Luftwaffe needed high-altitude interceptors with heavy weapons to fight against Allied bombers and a low-level pulsejet fighter would not have been useful against the Allied tactical fighters Tempest, Typhoon and Thunderbolt that surpassed it in speed.

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