Gwendoline Choate - Hendon pre WW1


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19 October 2012
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The RAeC Trust has recently acquired an album of pre-WW1 photographs taken at Hendon, Brooklands and maybe other venues that was the property of Gwendoline Jemima Choate (or Choat). Gwendoline was 26 in the 1911 census, living near Hendon, and placed a small advert in The Aeroplane seeking a bound copy of Vol 1 of that magazine. We are slowly building a picture of who she was and no doubt will find out more as we examine the album in detail but if anyone here has information they could share it would be appreciated.

EDIT - name changed as the original identification is now thought to have been incorrect
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My dear Schneiderman,

I guess that,Flightglobal is the solution.
The Flight Global archive is, to the best of my knowledge, no longer a freely accessible online resource.
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The Flight Global archive is, to the best of my knowledge, no longer a freely accessible resource.
Unfortunately not. However I have a set of the pdfs and a search shows that there is no mention of a Choate. There is one brief mention in the small ads section of the Aeroplane in 1912 but nothing more. We are hoping that someone may have knowledge of there being a personal connection between her and maybe one of the aviators or engineers at Hendon.
I've updated the original post as we now believe we had identified the wrong woman. Our question as to how she may have been connected to aviation still seeks answers

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