Gun development for current MBT challenge

quinn whitsitt

ACCESS: Confidential
23 February 2024
Reaction score
Develop a gun that is capable of penetrating 1600mm of steel from 2 miles away that has an autoloader on Sketchup
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I guess the simplest way is a large heat projectile with a C/D of more than 10 probaly 12 but maybe even higher up to 15. Based on weapon system, weight requierments and all of that we could do a guided missile similiar to ATGM's for example but i don't know how free we are on that.

A 107mm shaped Charge would give ous a 1605mm penetration by a C/D of 15. So one may sub caliber it like MRM-CE
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Forget turret gun beyond 50-cal anti-infantry and ~47mm soft-skin destroyer, equip with VLS for mine delivery and top-down loiter / kills...
vls cells are to hard to reload and a 50 caliber m2 machine gun unless your shooting slap rounds at very close range dose not pierce that much keep to challenge rules please
Forget turret gun beyond 50-cal anti-infantry and ~47mm soft-skin destroyer, equip with VLS for mine delivery and top-down loiter / kills...
you have to keep to the rules it has to be a gun listen okay i have shoot a 50 bmg it goes through at tops 25 mm not 47 mm and vls cells that is a good idea but you have to lock on and reloding whould be a pain
i mean a m829 120mm shell is able to pierce 900mm at 2200 yards so 1600 mm at 3520 yards is not too unrealistic
tip search up fv601 the guy that created the model had a very good tank design
I don't think i can find that guy and i think his tank design doesn't matter as we need the gun design which would fit into the point of this.
Then again to achieve your 1600mm with a dart one could try a lot of things. But this maybe not so efficient against complex armor arrays...
Well anyway one option is to Go bigger with the same / slightly higher velocity.
apfds tends to work better with a thin long dart then a fat dart another option whould be get the same dart to go much faster though if you want signifigant improvment increase the fin stablized discarding sabots size and make it go faster at the same time
the best armored tanks in apfds equivlent on there most armored spot is at best 1400 mm of rha equivlent and i sed ar 500 which is much stronger the rha and most modern anti tank rounds are heat or apfds or heat you chould also put a balistic cap at the tip of the sabot to slightly increase effective pentration
a good thing about apfds is it dose not care about nera or spacing like high explosive anti tank rounds do or high explosive squash head at least as long as your descarding fin stabilized sabot dart is longer than the spacing becase if it tuches the fins penatration decreases
but you still have to watch out for explosive reactive armor which slightly decreses penatraton though not as much as it decreases hesh or heat rounds penatration
in adition apfds can ricohet a heat or hesh round can not do that
how else can i give advice to you all in designing the gun though i cant make a model for you becase i am suposed to make sure the the challenge is fair
This seems like a topic by a young person who plays World Of Tanks rather than a serious question. Please try not to spam the topic with loads of one line messages. Wait for meaningful responses and then post considered answers.

The question I have is - why try to shoot through the most heavily armoured part of a tank with a gun? Hasn't Ukraine demonstrated a load of easier ways to take out tanks?

Various tank producing countries have experimented with 130mm and 152mm tank guns but no real need has presented itself to date.
Various tank producing countries have experimented with 130mm and 152mm tank guns but no real need has presented itself to date.
Actually it seems that 152-155 mm tank gun may be required in near future - not to penetrate armor, but to deliver big enough HE to demolish buildings and entrenched infantry. Modern experience demonstrate, that tanks main role once again is infantry support; thus low-velocity gun with large HE shell seems to be optimal solution.
no this is for anti tank shell heck normall artillery is 155mm and armor is getting more advanced and well armored so need for a large gun may not be necassairy but good non the less
if you want to find the model go to sturgeons house then go to steel champions challenge until you find the model
Mate this is just a "weak" contest as there No clear rules and to achieve your 1.6m of Steel penetration on can just make an mono rod penetrator and scale IT to the needed size (140mm apfsds should be enough) and we won it. Maybe try to rethink it with mutch better rules and goal. This should interest more people on here. Also (i guess) not many Guys on this forum have the knowledge or capabilitys to offer an 3D model like.
quinn I will cut you some slack because of your age, but

1) Most people on this forum are not gun designers. Any opinions solicited on gun design are not likely to be entirely grounded in reality.
2) Most people on this forum are not 3D graphic artists. Expecting people to leap into action making a model of your imaginary gun is not sensible.
3) If people aren't engaging with your topic, spamming one line posts isn't going to encourage them to do so.
4) Read up on the concept of spell checkers.
this is for apfds penatration of ar 500 sorry i did not put that in the challenge i forgot to add it
But youre limiting it to apfsds. Yes we could look at a fancy penetrator but it isn't really needed nor is there any tank with 1600mm steel armor. I guess you know that complex armor arrays are mutch more difficult to deal with.
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what do you mean by avoiding armor
1 are you referring to missile systems that hit weak spots like for instance the javelin
2 or are you referring to totally ignoring armor as a threat
I have to say that, as an ex tank crewman and commander, this topic is less worthy than the study on cheese as armour for an AFV.

Perhaps try to stick to WOT's or the other forums of that ilk.
So, quinn is referring to this 'design competition' for an MBT:

Whoever called their fictional 'BAE Systems MBT' the FV601 should probably have chosen a different designation.

@Foo Fighter agreed. It is in The Bar due to the off-topic nature of the discussion.
But youre limiting it to apfsds. Yes we could look at a fancy penetrator but it isn't really needed nor is there any tank with 1600mm steel armor. I guess you know that complex armor arrays are mutch more difficult to deal with.
this is becase the m1a2 sep v3 has a maxium effective steel equvielent on the turret front of 990mm
I have to say that, as an ex tank crewman and commander, this topic is less worthy than the study on cheese as armour for an AFV.

Perhaps try to stick to WOT's or the other forums of that ilk.
that guy dose not no that i have read 12 massive books on miltary history

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