Gryphon UAV

Mr London 24/7

ACCESS: Secret
Senior Member
27 April 2008
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The Gryphon is an unmanned aerial vehicle made from special materials which make it
resistant to destruction. Details are at the secret level.

FY 2003 Accomplishments: The Gryphon project completed flight testing at Yuma on
December 4, 2003. The project was successfully tested and met all objectives.
FY 2004 Plans: A briefing to the PD(USD)AT&L is scheduled for January 20, 2004. Future
plans, including funding needs, will be discussed at that time. There are currently no
plans from the QRF to fund this project in FY 2004.

Army funded for only 1.5Mil for (apparently) one year only, so a small vehicle.

Another oft-used name making searches difficult... Gryphon anybody?

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