Great impression of what a modern "stealthy" F-104 would look like...

I suspect the RCS of the tip tanks is going to spike a fair bit, but the concept looks cool.
yup, they've formed corner reflectors both on the tip tank tails as well as the aircraft tail itself... tip tanks sides also don't look like they're chined so there would be surface specular scatter from the tank sides, as well as creeping wave diffraction from waves which travel around the tank circumference (tho I'ld expect they'ld use RAM to attenuate those surface travelling wave effects, but still a chine would have caused the wave to shed on the opposite side of the tank instead of creeping back to this side)...
Beautiful image, I suppose the polite thing to do would be to ask the artist before I printed it for my wall?

Thanks for that one, the lawn dart has held a special place in my mind ever since I read Ben Rich's autobiography, it was his work on f-104 inlets that got him into Skunk Works. With his involvement in stealth I dare say he would find this image intriguing at least.
Artist is Peter.

He has a Pixiv page:

Some of his stuff is...not very realistic. So take it with a grain of salt.

There's also a "stealth" Sea Vixen in there somewhere, but I'm too lazy to post it.

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