goubert sportplane


ACCESS: Restricted
29 July 2009
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french sport airplane 1922. anzani 35 ch. does anyone have infos or pics ?


  • zeitschrift-flugsport-1922 Louis Goubert French designer.png
    zeitschrift-flugsport-1922 Louis Goubert French designer.png
    12.8 KB · Views: 124
Here's something relevant, I think. Interesting that in highlights the novelty of the enclosed cabin but not the canard planform, perhaps hesham's illustration is just one of several configurations considered?

A Really Small Aeroplane

THE " scooter of the air " seems to be about to become an accomplished fact. A young French designer, M. Louis Goubert, has just completed the designs for a very small machine, which is to be driven by an engine of 10 h.p. only. The machine is to be a tractor, with the pilot entirely enclosed in the fuselage, which will be provided with windows. The wing loading is to be 10 kilograms per square metre (about 2 lbs. /sq. ft.) and the maximum speed is estimated at 50 m.p.h., with a landing speed of about 20 m.p.h. A model of the machine is, it is stated, to be tested by M. Eiffel before the actual machine is built.

Source: FLIGHT, February 17, 1921 p.120

Also, could a moderator please capitalize M. Goubert's name in the thread title?

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